Are Live Plants Or Fake Plants Better In A Fish Tank? What Are The Pro

Live plants because they will reduce ammonia and IMO look better too. :good:
I have fake in my 46 (for now) and am planning to plant my 75g. The fake means no worries on fertilizers, lighting, co2 etc, but the real are just so crazy gorgeous.
I started with fake and switched to real. My fish definitely prefer real plants. With the fake ones they avoided them. With real plants they enjoy swimming through them and nibbling on them. They also use them for cover and swim around them.
Really depends what fish you want to keep.

20 gallon tank I guess won't have anything too big in it, but some fish are more prone to digging up plants, so in those instances fake plants are a better choice.
Live Plant Pros

The fish seem to enjoy them more and will nibble at them.

The plants will use nutrients that the fish have expelled.
Plants grow and multiply so your not having to purchase more everytime you get a new tank.

Provide shade and shelter for the inhabitants and fry have a better chance of surviving predation.

Fish look great darting in and out of the real foliage.

Can make some pocket money selling on extra plants.

Live Plant Cons

If you get the wrong plants you could be destined for failure, too many places sell the unsuspecting nonaquatic plants.

Plants grow and multiply so maintenance is needed especially for quick growers.

Some plants will need fertilisers and Co2, which can reek havoc with other water paramaters if not done correctly.

Can harbour unwanted hitch hikers.

Fake Plant Pros

Always look good

No special care needed

Fish that normally demolish live plants wont destroy them.

Fake Plant Cons

Look good until algea grows all over them and then need cleaning

Can injure fish if using some of the hard plastic types of fake plants.

Never really look natural.

COULD (hence COULD) release petrochemical chemicals into the water long term if the plants where made cheaply.

Personally I use live plants in my tanks and I don't run Co2 or add fertilisers.
A fish tank isn't just about the fish IMO.

Having real plants means you have to pick, place and grow them. Which gives an added dimension to the hobby.
I have live plants, but all my fish nibble on them waaaay too much. There are just brown leafs on it now.
I guess thats the only reason fake plants are better, because they always look good.

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