Aquatic Shops

This whole shop1 and shop2 got me inspiered to find a shop 2 in my area (Princeton NJ) I drove to "many" local stores but none of them were "the shop 2" and finally after driving for 1 hour and 10 min i found a "shop 2" It is really amazing. For anyone who lives in NJ USA the name of the local store is called animal and things. It has great fish. Over 25,000 gallons of marine and freshwater fish. I saw every fish i wanted (except german blue ram because it was sold out) It is probaly as big as a petsamrt/petco and is like a "shop 2" They have a huge quantity. I mean huge they have every fish. They must have over 50 employees all very dedicated. The have every plant that i know off and almost over a 1000 deco pices (including bogwood and artifiical) The have a huge amount of food for the fish also. I wish i saw that shop for chritsmas :/
Not only do they have fish but they have dogs, cats birds, repties and genie pigs/rat/mouse ect.
Its rally amazing how the mantain it. I am ready to drive 1 hour and 10 min to get to the shop because it is like a shop 2 - maybe even betteer than shop 2 (as they had no dead fish and they had the info page underneath every tank.)
Well in my area there is a chain store called feeders supply and I never see a dead fish in there and the fish are in excellent condition and have never got a sick fish from them. Then there is wal mart where I went yesterday and they were selling a female betta in a cup for $3.47 and every last fin had fin or tail rot and it had already gotten up to its body :no: Then they had dead fish in tanks they had about 20 common plecos in a 10g with about 15 ADF's and there were dead plecos and frogs and the plecos were eating the floating dead fish. :no:
This whole shop1 and shop2 got me inspiered to find a shop 2 in my area (Princeton NJ) I drove to "many" local stores but none of them were "the shop 2" and finally after driving for 1 hour and 10 min i found a "shop 2" It is really amazing. For anyone who lives in NJ USA the name of the local store is called animal and things.

Where in NJ? (I'm in NY, but 1 hour drive N from Princeton may be mean they are close enough for me...)
This whole shop1 and shop2 got me inspiered to find a shop 2 in my area (Princeton NJ) I drove to "many" local stores but none of them were "the shop 2" and finally after driving for 1 hour and 10 min i found a "shop 2" It is really amazing. For anyone who lives in NJ USA the name of the local store is called animal and things.

Where in NJ? (I'm in NY, but 1 hour drive N from Princeton may be mean they are close enough for me...)

The shop i am talking about is located in Middlesex county, in woodbridge. Depending on where u live in NY it would take you 45 min to 1 hour and 30 min. Honestyl i think its worth the trip. But u said ur from New York and i heaerd New York City has amazing fish stores.
Thanks, Dude!

The shop i am talking about is located in Middlesex county, in woodbridge. Depending on where u live in NY it would take you 45 min to 1 hour and 30 min. Honestyl i think its worth the trip.

A bit too far, but I'll keep this in mind next time I'm in the area.

But u said ur from New York and i heaerd New York City has amazing fish stores.

I did not find them (the amazing ones) yet.
I have 3 lfs's around me which are all excellent. The one which i ALWAYS go to isnt very big so its fish selection isnt mind blowing but its fairly cheap and the staff that work there are my main reason for me always going back there. They will never hesitate to help me out and they are the friendliest fish shop owners i have come across!

The second one which is nearby me is a pet shop, but it has a huge fish section. A little more expensive then anywhere i have been, but tanks and fish in very good condition none the less. They have a full grown giant gourami who is i think 15-16 years old in a massive tank. He's been there from the begginning!

The third one is a bit of a trek to get to but is worth it! Its a huge shop and they seem to specialise more in South American and African cichlids. I think they even breed some of their own fish! The staff arent very helpful though, thats its only real downfall.

So yeah, i'm pretty lucky :p
I must admit I like my lfs the best. They try not to laugh at my questions. .....say no more .

They always checked my water at first before supplying fish. They advised on cycling and as I say checked water I brought in before supplying fish.
They will take back fish that have outgrown my tank.
The fish in the store are clean and looked after.
The guys in there are polite even though they did say "Sorry Madam we will not be opening late night on Christmas shopping". that is about the saddest thing.
I must admit all my fish (except 3 guppies and two tetras given to me by a friend wanted rid of them) have come from this garden centre.

I also like Madenhead aquatics at Mill Hill which is also attached to a garden centre.
I did not like a chain store in Harlow where I did see more dead than alive.

Oh and I do get good tips laughs and ahhs from this forum, keep posting pictures.Some of us will never have fish like you and also enjoy seeing types similiar to those we do have.
at my lfs i found this guy who works there and he told me all about native fish so now i am a genius. he also charged my friend(i was there) for 25 feeder guppies when he got 58 of them :D he also threw in a free plant(although it was itsy bitsy it will grow!) and when i got my java moss that same day he gave my 3 1\2 clumps :D
i visited my lfs yesterday to show a friend how amazing the place is, i never see any dead fish and the staff sure do know their stuff, all the tanks are imaculate and i didnt see any signs of diseased fish. the soft water display tank jus inside the door is brilliant, oh how id love one like that in my house. the shop is maidenhead aquatics in wheatly, jus near oxford, its really worth a visit. :D :hyper:
My favourite shop within easy reach has to be Amwell Aquatics north of Cambs. The guys in there know theur fish and will tell you honestly if they aren't sure about any species. They're friendly and don't take offense when my daughter panics at seeing a neon in one of their display tanks with a bent spine. Turned out the fellow had been like it all his life and does well but will never be sold.
My true local is good but only two are true fishy ppl and there's too much they have to do to keep the tanks as perfectly as I think they would like. And the worst would be in a garden centre I ventured into. Was horrible, truly. They had a large JD in a tank full of those icky ornaments like sharks with mouths that open and shut with air. They obviously angered him as he kept attacking a rhino one, which even had a sharp horn!! :-( The tanks were just nasty.

My only only problem with Amwell Aquatics is last time I was there they had some dyed fish for sale. If you are in the area take a look in Ely aquatics ( unit 13 on the industrial estate behind TESCO). They don't have a huge range but the fish are in good condition (thye tanks are labelled with pics and other info) and they are happy to chat and give advice
Our LFS is pretty good, the tanks are reasonably clean, and I have yet to see a dead fish there. The ladies who run it are all very knowledgeable about the fish they sell, and what tank sizes and speices they are ideal with.

One of the ladies has 4 tanks at home, and is a really good source of advice. She helped my little brother and I solve a fish health scare about a week ago. They also have some crazy fish there, like a 2 foot long pleco!! (He lives with GIANT oscars).

So its a pretty awesome place to shop.

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