Aquatic Frogs

SRC said:
blender said:
My ADF will NOT eat anything I try to give him. NOTHING has been touched.
You too huh? I've had mine for 3 weeks now..and I haven't noticed him eating just clouds up the water.

Any suggestions? I just got a culture of Fruit flies..think he'd eat that...I'd hate to waste them, as there weren't very many to begin with.
Hi SRC :)

Are you sure that your little frog isn't eating when you aren't looking? I rarely actually see mine eat, but I've had them for a couple of years now.

I feed them live blackworms, and the ones he doesn't eat as they pass by his face, (or if I put them in while he is in his cave) dig themselves into the gravel and they can be eaten at his leisure. I only feed him about once a week or so, and he eats the others in between. If you can get some of them, it's worth giving them a try.

Occasionally, I also give him a few Frog and Tadpole Bites, made by HBH. The ADFs only need a few of these a day to do just fine.

Please let me know how he is doing from time to time. :D
I hand feed my ADF's using a pipette from one of my water test kits. I feed them frozen bloodworms and I know that each frog is getting it's share by hand feeding.
This might be a really stupid question but i will ask it???

I would like something to clean up the sand in my tank and have thought about crab, shrimp etc but never a frog (not a dwarf but a clawed one)

"Food Habits

X. laevis is a scavenger and eats living, dead, or dying arthropods and other pieces of organic waste. It has a voracious appetite and attacks anything that passes in front of it. It uses extremely sensitive fingers, an acute sense of smell, and its lateral line systems to locate food. Lateral line systems, usually found in fish, detect vibrations in the water. It uses a hyobranchial pump to suck food into its mouth. The claws on its hind feet tear apart larger pieces of food. Tadpoles are exclusively filter feeders"

How will it far in my tank with a 1" oscar and 8" pleco????

They sound ferociuous little blighters but will my oscar eventually eat it???
I have 2 African Albino frogs in my 55 gal tank along w/ 5 silver dollars, 2 green severms, 1 gold angel, some bottom eaters/suckers etc. Last night my larger frog had the smaller one in his mouth!! Am I going to wake up one am with a giant frog and no fish? :-(
Ha Ha this topic made me laugh as I've been caught out with a frog - yep I was told it was a dwarf frog but it kept getting bigger! Kept asking at the shop who began to question if it was white - NO!!! Kept telling me it wouldn't get any bigger but the day I looked in my tank and saw the tail fin of a mollie sticking out of its mouth was the last straw!!! When I took it back they seemed amazed but at least they gave me credit for it and my lost fish!! He was a character though! :lol:
Hi All,
Great site, found a lot of information we need. :) Thank you.
We have recently upgraded our plastic tank for a glass 11 gallon tank. We have shubunkins that have grown and out grown 3 sizes of plastic tank so the time came to take the plunge. We now have 2 shubunkins, 3 goldfish, 1 chocolate oranda, 1 black molly, 1 silver coi and an Albino male african clawed frog in the tank. All getting on well. All these have been bought as cold water tank inhabitants.
We also had a golden weather loach which died the day after we introduced him. Unfortunately, when we revisited the aquatic centre there were other loaches dying the same way ours did. So we think he was ill when we got him, as none of the others in our tank fell ill.
Our frog has been renamed dirty harry due to his escape from the tank through the inlet for cables etc. He was called houdini at first when we discovered he had gone, then harry houdini, then dirty harry when we found him approx 1 hr after our 4 yr old daughter said he was out, he jumped out from under the sofa and was covered in dust and fluff!!!! Now we use my store cards to cover the spaces! He also likes to jump into the top of the filter and bask in there. He was sold as a golden frog, no other info given, tube of food sold for him, which the fish usually get before he does, so we have contained him in a glass with his food for couple of minutes and feed the fish at the same time to distract them! He doesn't seem to mind as long as there is air at the top of glass. And he gets to eat some food undisturbed.
We have been lucky so far, the tank is running well, an episode of ich on the molly successfully treated and they are a nice friendly bunch.
Hoping to start stocking a tropical tank very soon, it's cycling at the moment all suggestions gratefully recieved.
Thanks, siobhan and andy, kids n fish
i have 2 ADFs in my 75 gallon with all the fish listed below.

they do fine and i give them bloodworm to feast on once a week.

its funny, u dont see them for a few days and then one comes swimming past.

well i say swimming but its more that clawing along the bottom ungracefully that they do lol.
On the "clamping," this is the integral portion of a type of mating called front leg amplexus. The act of clamping stimulates the release of eggs as well as the mixing of sperm with the dispersing eggs. Male frogs will often clamp though when the female has no eggs ready :hey: , if I remember correctly this is called "frustrated amplexus." This type of mating is common in many cloacal amphipians.

All of this is remembered from a zoology class I took about 6 years ago so if some of my terms are wrong sorry

Hi this my first post, Hello all!

Anyway yesterday i bought a frog labelled as a gold frog. it isnt gold, it looks albino, like a shaved cat. You can see its veins in places. No colourings at all, except up either side of its body, where there appears to be veins of some sort there are feint reddy coloured spots along these vein type things.

Now i have looked at its front and back legs and the hands are not webbed, the back ones are, and there are three tiny black claws on the 3 inside toes on each leg, none on the outside two. its body is about 1 1/2 inch from head to top of legs. any ideas what this little critter is?
Hi this my first post, Hello all!

Anyway yesterday i bought a frog labelled as a gold frog. it isnt gold, it looks albino, like a shaved cat. You can see its veins in places. No colourings at all, except up either side of its body, where there appears to be veins of some sort there are feint reddy coloured spots along these vein type things.

Now i have looked at its front and back legs and the hands are not webbed, the back ones are, and there are three tiny black claws on the 3 inside toes on each leg, none on the outside two. its body is about 1 1/2 inch from head to top of legs. any ideas what this little critter is?

Sounds like an african clawed frog. Here's a couple of good links:

Clawed Frogs & Dwarf Frogs

Hi l_oz :)

If it's an aquatic frog, it's definitely an African Clawed Frog. The smaller African Dwarf Frogs are never an albino or "golden" color.

They are great pets, but don't plan on keeping it with your tropical fish. :no:
Hi l_oz :)

If it's an aquatic frog, it's definitely an African Clawed Frog. The smaller African Dwarf Frogs are never an albino or "golden" color.

They are great pets, but don't plan on keeping it with your tropical fish. :no:

thanks i did a little digging around after i posted and i kind of came to that conclusion. he hasnt attacked anything yet, but he's still only small.

However i have a bit of a problem - i have had it 2 nights now, and both times he has escaped out of the tiniest of gaps at the back of the tank where the wires trail out. Why is he trying to escape? Do they need dry land once in a while? Guy in pet shop told me no, he said they just go to surface for air and are happy like that. But he's jumped down 2 flights of stairs i found it outside the front door!
I have 3 Albino African clawed frogs the female is around 5" now.I wouldnt put them in with any fish at all as i know someone who had hers in with Kribensis and hers took an adult male Krib :huh:
Hey everyone,
im new here, first things first, heres some info:

Tank - 190ltrs

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5
pH 6.8
temp 25

fish etc:
4 peppered croys
2 golden zebra loaches
6 black skirt tetra
2 dwarf froggies

I got the frogs yesterday, they seem ok i think ive seen them a bit, but there hiding mostly, as expected though as there getting used to their new home,
just a quick question about feeding them, i have some frozen bloodworm cubes, im going to feed them today how do i do it? do i defrost them first? how do i stop the fish eating the worms before the frogs?

Look forward to your replies, cheers
x x x :)

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