Aquascaper 20g

Came back home to find a dead Cory. No clue how it happened. I assume it was recent, because it was still intact, with no snails/shrimp on it. (it was also all white)

Did a 40% change and tested parameters - all looked good. Not sure what you can do with things like this... :(
Came back home to find a dead Cory. No clue how it happened. I assume it was recent, because it was still intact, with no snails/shrimp on it. (it was also all white)

Did a 40% change and tested parameters - all looked good. Not sure what you can do with things like this... :(
Awww I am really sorry :-(
Vals are doing wonderful!!

I can see what you mean by the “runner” @mbsqw1d:

I now know that they found the root tabs... :lol:

That little shoot that is coming up appeared overnight!
That's exciting! Those driftwood branches are so elegant. I think it adds so much depth to your scape. Did you find it locally?
Thank you!

I found the very thin one locally, but I got the thicker one at my LFS.
@mbsqw1d, is it safe to cut the “runner” off, so I can replant them somewhere else? They have shot up where I don’t want any plants:

Tank is doing good! I just did some trimming/cleaning, so please excuse the cloudy water. ;)
Awesome, thanks!

I think they definitely found the root tabs. :sly:


The Aqueon filter I have in there right now is absolutely trash. I really wish I could get a Seachem Tidal for that tank, but there’s no room in the back for it. :/
Don't cut Vallis runners unless the new plant is a similar length to the parent plant. If you cut them while the new plant is small, it will struggle to grow after being moved.

If you do want to cut and move them, cut them and leave them to recover for a couple of weeks, then lift them and move them.
Plan for today:

Trim, replant, substrate vacuum, and 75% water change. The filter is absolute fuplie trash, so I’ll need to get a new one. I wish I could get another Seachem Tidal, but I don’t have enough room behind the tank. :/

I’ll update with pictures later.
Plan for today:

Trim, replant, substrate vacuum, and 75% water change. The filter is absolute fuplie trash, so I’ll need to get a new one. I wish I could get another Seachem Tidal, but I don’t have enough room behind the tank. :/

I’ll update with pictures later.
AquaClear filters are really good, would you have room for one of those? (If it would help I could show you photos of both my 20 and my 50, for size reference)

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