1. Can u keep two Male bettas togethere? No
2. Can u keep 4 female bettas togethere? Yes
3. Is 3 neons enough for a school? No
4. Do mollys need Salt? They prefer salt but can live without it.
5. Do you used salt on cories? No
6. Can u keep a Red tail Catfish in a 40 gallon tank? Only for a couple of months and then its to big.
7. If crossbreading a crowntail betta with a veiltail betta creates a SpikeTail? No it dosen't create a spike tail.
8. Can a clown loach be 6 inches in adult size in the wild? Yes they can easily reach 6" and are more likely to reach 12-14".
9. Are bala sharks generally Agressive? No
10. Are tiger barbs fin nippers? Yes
11. Are Angels good parents in there first spawn? No
12. When the kissing gouramie kisses, Is that a mating signal? No, the kissing action is not, as we may suppose, a sign of affection between male and female, but a trail of strength between two males, and forms part of a courtship ritual as they try to impress a suitable female and takes place in battles for terriotry. These fish are very useful in the aquarium because they will pick away at algae, taking it plant leaves without damaging them (this can also be mistaken for the kissing action).
2. Can u keep 4 female bettas togethere? Yes
3. Is 3 neons enough for a school? No
4. Do mollys need Salt? They prefer salt but can live without it.
5. Do you used salt on cories? No
6. Can u keep a Red tail Catfish in a 40 gallon tank? Only for a couple of months and then its to big.
7. If crossbreading a crowntail betta with a veiltail betta creates a SpikeTail? No it dosen't create a spike tail.
8. Can a clown loach be 6 inches in adult size in the wild? Yes they can easily reach 6" and are more likely to reach 12-14".
9. Are bala sharks generally Agressive? No
10. Are tiger barbs fin nippers? Yes
11. Are Angels good parents in there first spawn? No
12. When the kissing gouramie kisses, Is that a mating signal? No, the kissing action is not, as we may suppose, a sign of affection between male and female, but a trail of strength between two males, and forms part of a courtship ritual as they try to impress a suitable female and takes place in battles for terriotry. These fish are very useful in the aquarium because they will pick away at algae, taking it plant leaves without damaging them (this can also be mistaken for the kissing action).