Aquarium Kitchen Island

For the record, I will be quite happy when I finally get my new tank set up, $100 for a new 75 gallon old school framed tank. I am easy to please

75 gallon.jpg
If you have an aquarium for a island in your kitchen, if you have an aquarium for your living room coffee table, you even have an aquarium wall, then complete the ensemble with your very own aquarium toilet. No true aquarium enthusiast's home should be without one......


Company disclaimer: Not responsible for any silage, or oops.
(just be sure to have a real toilet in the spare bathroom)
If you have an aquarium for a island in your kitchen, if you have an aquarium for your living room coffee table, you even have an aquarium wall, then complete the ensemble with your very own aquarium toilet. No true aquarium enthusiast's home should be without one......

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(just be sure to have a real toilet in the spare bathroom)
No true toilet enthusiast should be without one as well :rofl:
that zero edge aquarium is the real mvp

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