Aquarium "herd"

LOL! It's not my picture, but yes, i have the same species. :good: I have a thread all about my puffer journey in this section and in the planted journal section if you fancy a gander. :)
Oh excellent bud, I'll check that out :)
unfortunately I'm in the UK so wouldn't consider purchasing from the site, but it does give me some good ideas, thanks :)

Here are a couple links for home made caves... just to give you more ideas.***Warning**lot-of-images&highlight=pleco+caves
I just can't remember who it was Pyro, but it tickled me lol - hey thanks for the plecocaves link, unfortunately I'm in the UK so wouldn't consider purchasing from the site, but it does give me some good ideas, thanks :)
Sahira, your tank is gorgeous - everything looks carefully placed and I can tell a lot of thought has gone into it. I see you've augmented the filtration with an extra internal, and your water looks pristine. I've boosted the filtration on all mine too - I don't think the Juwel filters are aqequate on their own.

Edit: forgot to feedback on the maintainance comment - it is hard work Sahira, as we all know, but it's a labour of love looking after the fish. I believe in strict weekly waterchange routines, regardless of good test kit readings and lucky for me the backyard door is right behind the chair in the photo - so its a hose straight into the outside drains via gravel vac. In the days before the herd all congregated together, it was much more hard work.

Yhh i have 3 filters in total in the tank (the internal jewel filter, fluval u1 & classica powerbio 200) so they keep the water in very good condition!

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