Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

Like with scissors? I shud get my google on bt I'll leave it to the experts :p

Nothing else to say on my new goodies? Hmm...

Sorry, am a bit preoccupied with the effects that macro can have on a tank at the moment. You can imagine why.

Nice new goodies, hammer should open up soon. Strombus is a big snail, how big is your tank again? They need some area.

I can remove if it really is pest like...

It's 180 litres I've been assured that conch will be fine though.

You don't have much of it, so just keep it trimmed and always make sure you have good circulation. I don't want to make you paranoid. I had macros in great shape for some months.

It's sand space that they need, so I'm just wondering. I was discouraged from getting one by a few people. A Strombus is a Caribbean animal, so was considering it for the biotope.

Like with scissors? I shud get my google on bt I'll leave it to the experts :p

Nothing else to say on my new goodies? Hmm...

You need to get a fuge. Got mine all set up and running the night before last. Fab!! Should've done it when I first got my 900. Your Caulerpa would do well in a sump as long as you keep a light over it.
Well a devastating night for me and possibly my last ever post for a while, many of you will probably think I'm a #105### fish keeper and flame me for this... But I don't really care tbh no feeling comes even close to how i feel now. Story: I spent the night at my girlfriends as I regularly do on the weekend and my mum looks after my tank as she does regularly and will be when I go on holiday next week. Tonight however I get a phone call saying all my fish and shrimps (no other inverts or my brittle star have died plus my goby is alive) have DIED, I rush home to find my powerhead jammed and vibrating extremely loud (like so loud I heard it before i opened the front door)... I'm guessing this caused the shock and quick death of my fish as all of my water parameters are fine. I have tested for every single thing I could of and every level is perfect. Like I said I'm guessing the loud vibrations have killed my fish? Any thoughts?

Please try not to be negative on me as I feel devastated as it is
Unlikely to be the sound or vibration that have killed anything, what was jammed in the power head would be my first question?

Putting the result aside why do you feel you have done anything wrong? The fact that you have asked someone to see to your tank while your away for a short period is more responsible than most!
Unknown to how it jammed but the noise was horrific, I can only gauge that the vibrations disrupted the lateral line of fish causing stress and death? As none of my corals have been affected whatsoever. I'm goin down to my LFS in 2 hours for a full test.. However it's unlikely they have any more test kits than i do, but their experience in the field may shed light on anything past my own knowledge on perfect water params.
Im taking it very hard on myself I know, I'll get to the bottom of this. I know this could of happened any time I work 10hours most days. It's weird how the goby is still hanging on for dear life and none of my crabs and snails have died but my shrimps have?
I'm very sorry. I know how it feels to go away & come back to a mess.

If you can, I advise a water change & post the water test results here.

Again, I feel for you.
Water test results are as follows
Salinity- 1.025
Nitrate-trace... Nothing near even 2ppm I'm probably over critical on this
Calcium- 455
Alkalinity- 12.0

My 2 LFS are Suprised by this also they wouldn't think a jammed powerhead could kill fish... However they do admit it is a possibility.
They more likely poisoning though from a foreign contaminant, possibly on hands? But in the lead upto the events I had clean my tropical fish tank out and washed my hands.

I'm clueless and annoyed!

P.S I emergency water changed at like 4am last night
OMG Ryan, I'm soooo sorry!! You must be absolutely gutted! What makes things so much worse for you is not knowing why. I take it your caulerpa didn't go sexual on you while the lights were out because that would release seriously bad toxins into the water column that can wipe out a tank in no time! I'm not sure whether the one you've got needs constant light but the safest place for caulerpa is in a constantly lit sump for sure. That's where mine is and that's where it's staying!
Seems you could be correct here my LFS thinks you are anyways. I've pretty much ripped it off the rock it was on... Seems likely as the right hand side of the tank where my fish swim (apart from my goby who has a cave on the left) is where ur caulepra is based.

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