Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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update: 09/03/2012: Aiptasia-X came and i killed it! muahahahah
on a cycle related note even my sand is going brown now! looks well yucky :p anuther week and ill bring a test to my LFS and see if im ready for some turbo snails and hermit crabs :)

Diatoms most likely, somebody's almost ready for a CUC. If I were you, I'd invest in your own test kits. Yeah, a store will do it for you, but boy, do I love control.

update: 09/03/2012: Aiptasia-X came and i killed it! muahahahah
on a cycle related note even my sand is going brown now! looks well yucky :p anuther week and ill bring a test to my LFS and see if im ready for some turbo snails and hermit crabs :)

Diatoms most likely, somebody's almost ready for a CUC. If I were you, I'd invest in your own test kits. Yeah, a store will do it for you, but boy, do I love control.


I shall be getting my own test kits :) am i correct in saying salifert are still pretty darn good test kits to have?

cant wait to get my hands on them just need a tiny bit more patience!!
also im guna have to excercise so major patience as i wana build up all my live rock before i even get close to purchasing a fish in a few months. Im aiming for atleast anuther 10kgs of rock ontop of the 10kgs i already have :)

update: 09/03/2012: Aiptasia-X came and i killed it! muahahahah
on a cycle related note even my sand is going brown now! looks well yucky :p anuther week and ill bring a test to my LFS and see if im ready for some turbo snails and hermit crabs :)

Diatoms most likely, somebody's almost ready for a CUC. If I were you, I'd invest in your own test kits. Yeah, a store will do it for you, but boy, do I love control.


I shall be getting my own test kits :) am i correct in saying salifert are still pretty darn good test kits to have?

cant wait to get my hands on them just need a tiny bit more patience!!
also im guna have to excercise so major patience as i wana build up all my live rock before i even get close to purchasing a fish in a few months. Im aiming for atleast anuther 10kgs of rock ontop of the 10kgs i already have :)

Well, now you've gone and done it. You said the magic words "I wana build up all my Live rock". Uh... means you gotta build your LR first then add CUC. Now you could chance it and add your CUC and then risk adding more LR. Just be sure it's cured, or you'll definitely get another cycle. You may still get a mini one if you use cured LR and something dies.

Patience is the cornerstone of this aspect of the hobby. :)

update: 09/03/2012: Aiptasia-X came and i killed it! muahahahah
on a cycle related note even my sand is going brown now! looks well yucky :p anuther week and ill bring a test to my LFS and see if im ready for some turbo snails and hermit crabs :)

Diatoms most likely, somebody's almost ready for a CUC. If I were you, I'd invest in your own test kits. Yeah, a store will do it for you, but boy, do I love control.


I shall be getting my own test kits :) am i correct in saying salifert are still pretty darn good test kits to have?

cant wait to get my hands on them just need a tiny bit more patience!!
also im guna have to excercise so major patience as i wana build up all my live rock before i even get close to purchasing a fish in a few months. Im aiming for atleast anuther 10kgs of rock ontop of the 10kgs i already have :)

Well, now you've gone and done it. You said the magic words "I wana build up all my Live rock". Uh... means you gotta build your LR first then add CUC. Now you could chance it and add your CUC and then risk adding more LR. Just be sure it's cured, or you'll definitely get another cycle. You may still get a mini one if you use cured LR and something dies.

Patience is the cornerstone of this aspect of the hobby. :)


oh dear thats a problem because when i traded my marisys filter out i got my deltec skimmer (which keeps overflowing with bubbles!! i put a thread up in the hardware section but alas no replies :() and i got a few crabs n snails n a brittle starfish in with the deal :/ i always buy cured live rock straight from my LFS but im not looking forward to mini spikes :(
I saw your thread in the hardware section. I don't use that product, so I can't really comment on it.

If you're up on water changes you should get through the mini-spikes alright, especially if you are fast about transporting the LR from the store to your house to minimize any die-off.
I'll water change every day if i have too :) LR shop is about 5mins around the corner from me which is lucky i guess!

its so hard when your LFS tells you your ready for fish and that flame angel youve been looking at for 3months is still there! (could be a number of different flame angel's tbh but theyre still awesome
I'll water change every day if i have too :) LR shop is about 5mins around the corner from me which is lucky i guess!

its so hard when your LFS tells you your ready for fish and that flame angel youve been looking at for 3months is still there! (could be a number of different flame angel's tbh but theyre still awesome

Honestly resist the urge to get fish right away. They add significantly to the bioload and you really should be getting your chemistry right first. Simple corals can go even before fish and if there's a risk of cycling you should definitely not be adding fish. IMO, waiting on fish prevents some of the big algae blooms I've seen in some tanks. Phosphates and Nitrates are produced by fish waste. IMO, I think when you wait, the rock has the time to accumulate the bacteria necessary to handle the load. Also, this give you time to figure out how you're handling Nutrient export.

oh yes i know not to buy fish i was just pointing out that its hard :p
I've been planning how my setup will go upto the fish point for about 3 months now, i wouldnt even have my small CUC if it wasnt for the trade-in of my old filter. How would you recommend i handle my nutrient export (just in pure curiousity)?

p.s wheres all the salties gone :( seems only the mods have the vast experience to reply these days?
not that i dont appreciated any reply or help i get no matter how big or small :)
oh yes i know not to buy fish i was just pointing out that its hard :p
I've been planning how my setup will go upto the fish point for about 3 months now, i wouldnt even have my small CUC if it wasnt for the trade-in of my old filter. How would you recommend i handle my nutrient export (just in pure curiousity)?

Do you have a sump? If you don't, there is the option of an in-tank refugium, or a HOB refugium.

p.s wheres all the salties gone :( seems only the mods have the vast experience to reply these days?
not that i dont appreciated any reply or help i get no matter how big or small :)

We're here, just a lot of us are from the other side of the pond, so there's a time difference. Forum traffic also comes and goes. Depends a lot on the economy too. SW isn't so popular now that the economy isn't so great in both the UK and the US. As you know, SW is a nice money trap! :nod: I've been at TFF since 2005 and I've seen a lot ups and downs with membership in all sections. It's picking up again though. :) It goes through cycles.

oh yes i know not to buy fish i was just pointing out that its hard :p
I've been planning how my setup will go upto the fish point for about 3 months now, i wouldnt even have my small CUC if it wasnt for the trade-in of my old filter. How would you recommend i handle my nutrient export (just in pure curiousity)?

Do you have a sump? If you don't, there is the option of an in-tank refugium, or a HOB refugium.

p.s wheres all the salties gone :( seems only the mods have the vast experience to reply these days?
not that i dont appreciated any reply or help i get no matter how big or small :)

We're here, just a lot of us are from the other side of the pond, so there's a time difference. Forum traffic also comes and goes. Depends a lot on the economy too. SW isn't so popular now that the economy isn't so great in both the UK and the US. As you know, SW is a nice money trap! :nod: I've been at TFF since 2005 and I've seen a lot ups and downs with membership in all sections. It's picking up again though. :) It goes through cycles.

I do not have a sump :( only have a external and a hang on back skimmer atm, id rather not do intank refugium i already dislike 2 intake and 2 outlet pipes in my aquarium :p and ill have 2 koralia series 2 powerheads soon lol (maybe thinking i should have gone for a red sea max system with sump).

im glad theres still a few salties around to keep me informed though :) always nice to read opinions other than what my LFS tells me (even though they have 22 years experience in fishkeeping ;))

I have 23 years. ;) Though of it is in Freshwater.

You could always have macro in your display. There are HOB refugiums, but they are pricey. Nutrient export is important.

I have 23 years. ;) Though of it is in Freshwater.

You could always have macro in your display. There are HOB refugiums, but they are pricey. Nutrient export is important.


Macro in my display?... is there any other way than refegium? like supplements? ive seen a red sea supplement range that has phosphate and nitrate remover. I already have rowaphos and purigem in my filter :)

23 years is still some time!

I don't like too many supplements if I can help it. Others swear by them. I only use them in my Biocube, but I have more expensive corals in that tank.

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