oh yes i know not to buy fish i was just pointing out that its hard
I've been planning how my setup will go upto the fish point for about 3 months now, i wouldnt even have my small CUC if it wasnt for the trade-in of my old filter. How would you recommend i handle my nutrient export (just in pure curiousity)?
Do you have a sump? If you don't, there is the option of an in-tank refugium, or a HOB refugium.
p.s wheres all the salties gone
seems only the mods have the vast experience to reply these days?
not that i dont appreciated any reply or help i get no matter how big or small
We're here, just a lot of us are from the other side of the pond, so there's a time difference. Forum traffic also comes and goes. Depends a lot on the economy too. SW isn't so popular now that the economy isn't so great in both the UK and the US. As you know, SW is a nice money trap!
I've been at TFF since 2005 and I've seen a lot ups and downs with membership in all sections. It's picking up again though.
It goes through cycles.