Aqua-Qube 40 Journal (Updated 28/02/2011)

It looks good!, you are going to have to be careful not hide that hard-scape when you're planting. Any chance of making the bit of wood sticking up into 2 pieces, i see there is a piece sitting behind it? It'll give it a bit more depth. Nice sloping as well mate with the substrate. :good:
thanks for your comments. :good:

I see what you mean about the hardscape, I've been thinking about it, and I have decided to use some more sticks to bulk it out (and make the bit that sticks up taller). I will also add another piece sticking upwards and see how it looks.

I will add more pics soon, when I alter it (although things are getting a bit hectic with GCSE exams - I have just finished revision tonight, bring on tomorrow night. :lol: )
Yes, I agree with Ian, bulk up the wood a bit, otherwise such a pretty shade will be lost. If you can build height, that would be fantastic. The wood's going to float, right? You'll need rocks to anchor it down.

Weeping moss is another possibility. Green like Xmas but is more likely to have been grown submerged. Sometimes Xmas is grown emersed and it takes a long time for it to establish as a submerged plant. I'm using weeping moss in my new scape.

thanks for the reply. I've decided to change the wood, as I would like more moss for the shrimp. I will post some pics when I've done a couple of hours of revision.

BTW, I have anchored the wood down with slate, but the slate is buried under the substrate where it can't be seen.

cheers :good:
Hi, the tank has been planted now for 14 days. Everything is growing well. The lights are on for 6hrs per day, and I am dosing 1ml of easy carbo per day, and EI ferts.

Here are a few pics:


With just the moss planted.


Preparations for planting the E. parvula 1-2-GROW! (I really recommend the 1-2-GROW! range, the amount of plants is amazing!).

An here it is today:




what do you think?

cheers :good:
That looks fabulous! Can't wait for them to consider selling that stuff across the pond. They talked about it in the Convention, and all of us planted geeks were like :drool: The plants look so robust and healthy.

that looks really nice! Great looking carpet, and once that moss really takes off it will look even better!
Thanks for the encouragement, it is really encouraging (probably why it's called encouragement lol :lol: )

All the plants are doing well and growing at a steady pace. I have added my 3 ottos from another tank, and when I have added the shrimp in the next couple of weeks, and they have settled in I will probably get another few.

Here are the pics from a few days ago:


Full tank shot, in comparison to the last pics that I uploaded I think it is doing well.


The Echinodorus vesuvius is doing well with a couple of new leaves. Hopefully it will grow over the filter and heater soon (I will be putting a background up soon to hide the wires).


This is the moss after a trim. It is definitely filling out a lot now, so will hopefully keep growing to make a nice home for the shrimp.


The Eleocharis parvula is still sending out runners, so should fill out soon to make a better carpet.


Unfortunately I am suffering with some algae on the leaves of the E. parvula, but I'm hoping the shrimp will sort that when I get them.


And finally, one of the new inhabitants. I think ottos are going to be the only fish in this tank (with the exception of some Lemon BN fry when I get them breeding.

How do you think the tank is doing? I am quite happy with the progress ATM. :good:
well done mate :good: This is really impressive, good photography, good growth, very healthy.

Thumbs up!

ps, what the large tank looking like at the moment?
Thanks Ian. :good: I'm still getting to grips with the new camera, so hopefully better shots are to come in the future. I'm really pleased with the growth; this is the first tank that I have used liquid carbon in, and it is doing wonders. How is the different liquid carbon that you are using doing? I'm really interested in seeing how it is doing, as it may make it economically viable to use on my bigger tank.

As for the big tank, it is doing quite well ATM. I have got some lovely crypts in (kindly donated by Mark Evans from UKAPS), and everything else is doing well. I'll update the journal during the week.

The Floranaxis appears to be doing well at present. I can't believe i'm getting the HC to pearly in my nano by using this. The only thing that puts me off is the non algaecide action. I have been using carbo for ages on my large tank. I would hate there to be an algae bloom due to the 'not using at present'. My main tank is going to get a rescape within the next month, so it'll be good to start from scratch with Floranaxis. As for cost effectiveness, it will be lasting me ages at present. I will get the doses in mils up and work out an approx of how long it should last.
Hi Ben,

Do you still have this set-up? Came across your topic on a search as I'm just about to collect a second hand Aqua Qube 40 that turned up cheap locally...

Planning on setting it up as a desk cube, with a few shrimp i.e. something along the lines of yours

Any tips :good:



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