Hi, I have got the tank in situ now, and have the substrate and the wood in. I have put the wood differently to how i had first planned, as my original plan wouldn't fit. Here are some pics:
From above.
What do you think? It doesn't look much yet, but I think it'll look good when it is finished. Setting it up has helped with working out how the plants will fit, as I can get a proper sense of size now.
As for the plants, I have decided on an Eleocharis parvula carpet infront of the wood, and Christmas moss on the wood.
Just behind the wood, on both sides, I am going to use either a crypt sp. or Echinodorus tenellus. I have been advised against the E. tenellus in a nano, but when i set it up today, I realised that it has quite a lot of space, and I don't really mind regular trimming. Which do you think would be better between a crypt species and E. tenellus? And if you think a crypt would be better, could you suggest a species?
At the back I want 3 tallish stem plants. I'm thinking of Limnophila sessiliflora on the left (infront of the heater and filter), Rotala rotundifolia in the middle and Hygrophila polysperma on the right.
What do you think of the layout of the hardscape (all of which will be covered in Christmas moss)?
And what are your opinions on the plant choice?