Aqua One Tanks

i have two 320s
they're pretty basic, and i didn't use the filters that came with them. i got fluval 1s instead. but they do the job, and a good shape for my limited space, they look good :)

sometimes the lids vibrate, the one nearest my bed usually gets a heavy book on top of it at night, heh.
i have two 320s
they're pretty basic, and i didn't use the filters that came with them. i got fluval 1s instead. but they do the job, and a good shape for my limited space, they look good :)

sometimes the lids vibrate, the one nearest my bed usually gets a heavy book on top of it at night, heh.

How do you find the Fluval 1's m8?? iv got an aqua one ufo 320 (30ltr) with an under gravel filter , once the big tanks cycled im going to start a fresh with the aqua one and want get rid of the undergravel filter and stick an internal filter in it, would it be ok to have the fluval with a betta ??

i have two 320s
they're pretty basic, and i didn't use the filters that came with them. i got fluval 1s instead. but they do the job, and a good shape for my limited space, they look good :)

sometimes the lids vibrate, the one nearest my bed usually gets a heavy book on top of it at night, heh.

How do you find the Fluval 1's m8?? iv got an aqua one ufo 320 (30ltr) with an under gravel filter , once the big tanks cycled im going to start a fresh with the aqua one and want get rid of the undergravel filter and stick an internal filter in it, would it be ok to have the fluval with a betta ??


I would imagine so. I have the aqua one 101F filter that my LFS supply as standard with that tank. They said they order the 320s in with those filters instead of the undergravel filters. Have a look at this link. They are very easy to install, take up minimal space and do an efficient job.
i have two 320s
they're pretty basic, and i didn't use the filters that came with them. i got fluval 1s instead. but they do the job, and a good shape for my limited space, they look good :)

sometimes the lids vibrate, the one nearest my bed usually gets a heavy book on top of it at night, heh.

How do you find the Fluval 1's m8?? iv got an aqua one ufo 320 (30ltr) with an under gravel filter , once the big tanks cycled im going to start a fresh with the aqua one and want get rid of the undergravel filter and stick an internal filter in it, would it be ok to have the fluval with a betta ??


what kind of tail type is your betta? the fluvals are quite blowy. i have endlers in one which have no trouble with it, and a big beefy old VT in the other who hasn't seemed bothered by it, he has some plants to cling to and sleep on anyway.

if yours is an HM or a delicate VT i'd consider something less powerful, but if he's a PK or a strong swimmer, a fluval should be fine. a PK or girl would love it, just have lots of tall plants (i have real, but silk works fine) to break it up and for them to chill on.

one of my aquaones came with an undergravel the other came with the internal power filter in the link above, i found it to be noisier than the fluvals, although the output is directional, so if your tank ISN'T in your bedroom you can have a go with that. they look near-idental to the fluval's anyway.
oops iv put its a ufo 320 when its actualy a 350 , sorry for the confusion sussexgirl

catxx i dont have a betta yet, the plan is to move the fish from the aqua one over to the juwel 180 then re do it with sand, plants and an internal filter, the wife wants the betta so just trying to get things oraginsed for it :D
if theres lots of tall plants, (vallis and other such things) i'm sure a betta will do fine with a fluval or similar. have lots of little nooks and crannies for him to hide in if he does get annoyed with it.
oops iv put its a ufo 320 when its actualy a 350 , sorry for the confusion sussexgirl

No worries! You could however still go for the small aqua one filter such as the ones in the link I posted if you wanted to. I have to agree with Catxx though, they can be quite noisy although the flow on them isn't too strong and you can direct the angle. Enjoy your betta!
I understand that the T in 620T refers to tall , but how much taller than the standard tank is it?

am considering a 300L Aqua One tank thats all.



West Sussex
erm its quite a bit taller not sure exactly but i do know that its 130 litres as opposed to the 620 which is 90. I think the t version looks quite cool...

i have to say though if you want 300 litres why are you considering the 130 litre 620T...?

sorry just re-read you post - i don't think that there is a standard and a tall version for all the tank sizes as i've only ever seen the 620 and the 620T, willing to be corrected though!
I have got a 620T also (have had for 10 months now)

No problems though I am dubious about the efficiency of the filter and have set up a fluval 205 on it this week which required minor modifications of the filter unit.

Will be turning the built in filter off soon.

But otherwise, it's great! I just wish I could convinve the missus to let me have another.....!!!
My daughter has got the aqua one 600 think it was a bit pricey only 67litres more expensive probably because of the shape (half circle) Well actually worked out really expensive because a month down the line I took it up as a hobby and bought myself a tank :lol:

I have a Windsor 88...the 330l one...but no fish yet as am still in the cycling stage...Grumble.

I am overjoyed with it. It's HUGE! :good: As you can see, I have piled it up at the back with Ocean Rock and I am slowly chewing my fingers to the bone waiting to add to it...It will end up a Malawi tank (with discussed eslewhere)

I am very happy with it, but have similar observations to others with the height. I'm a tall bloke, and have long arms (not a policeman before the jokes start), but I find it difficult to reach the bottom of the tank, even when stood on a chair...Although hopefully I won't have to do that too often. I am also underwhelmed with the instructions when it came to the setup...of the whole thing, from building the base to setting up the filter.

On a humour note, my man from my lfs delivered it, and we ended up balancing the *^(*& thing on my plastic dustbin while I had to take my front door off! :lol: :lol: :lol: It was also a bit of a struggle for the two of us lifting it as well...


I've now added a fluval +2 internal filter as i reckon the filters aint up to much on these- I found a forum in Australia where a few people have had trouble getting the filters to work effectively. So keep your eye on your nitrite at all times!!!!! :D
If you have a Trickle Filter that runs along the back don't over fill it because mine has been overflowing,(at least i think it was from there),and it ruined the stand which warped badly. it was only 3 months old .My shop swopped it for a Hagen at my request.
Sometimes the lid vibrates on mine but just pressing the whole lid down lightly stops it. I've added a fluval today because it appears my filters stopped working and my nitrite flashed really high. I had one in another 100 ltr tank a while back and i was impressed with it keeping the water cyrstal clear. B)

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