Where I work doesnt make any difference to this
Other than that i work in the trade, hence the comment about the FX5s...
I suggested the AquaManta range of filters more because the OP was looking at big heavy duty filters with a UV in it, funnily enough, there aren't very many out there with UVs, in fact... the only ones i have ever dealt with are Aqua One filters and the AquaMantas that have UVs.
Realistically it makes no difference to me what the OP buys, its not like I get anything out of it
If i thought that P@H had an own brand external filter that fit what the OP seemed to require then i would have suggested that one.
I dont feel the need to ram products down peoples throat just because I work with them. And just because i work with products, i dont necessarily think they are all any good
if a product doesnt do its job then...it doesnt do its job... no point me recommending it for a job it cant do. So I wont.
So.... Mr ZoddyZod, no jumping to conclusions
it was just a suggestion that hadnt been mentioned yet and as they are pretty new... not many people might know about them? I'm here as a hobbiest with some potentially useful information. I'm no onesadvertising tool.