Aqua One 300L/85Gal

Forgot to say that the planned stocking has changed again. I scrapped the discus aftyer figuring there wasnt going to be anough room so its now;
Pair of angelfish
Pair GBR
1 gold dwarf ram
1 electric blue ram
30 cardinals
15 harlequins
6 adolfoi corys
6 hatchets
And i have a weather/dojo loach in my goldfish tank but hes getting too big for it, is there a possibility he could be put in this tank? He would also help deal with my snail problem
After that am i prety much fully stocked or is there room for a few more? thanks :)

You have a nice looking tank,i would say no to the weather loach in here mind, being of sub tropical temps, they probally wouldnt bode well at a constant heat,
thank you :) still needs a lot of work :lol: oh and fishh :fish: yeh i later read that they didnt do well in the heat of this tank i was thinking 7 glass cats , but im not sure about compatability and that
just measured the tank properly and its actually a 240 liter not a 300 like it was sold to me as!!! why didnt i think of measuring it before!! :blink: oh well :lol:

The dwarf chain sword i bought, im not too sure thats actually what it is? It just looks like the leaves are thinner. You can see it just behind the hairgrass on the right hand side of the tank. Ill try get some better photos of it later, im hoping someone can ID it for me if its not? :) Whatever it is it grows like wildfire, i've had it in for a bit over a week and theres runners everywhere!
YAYY tank is cycled!! :yahoo: did a 95% water change and some fishies are going to be added tonight and a few more bought tomorrow :D
After more wood and plants, its looking a bit better :) excuse the string and stones holding the wood down and the great whopping sponge filter, spoiling the view!. :lol: And the new external came and is in but sitting beside the tank atm. Fish; 12 harlequins, 2 glass cats, 2 black neons and 2 guppies(temporarily). Glass cats and black neons soon to be bumped up to shoaling numbers :)

havnt updated this in a while.. Planned stocking changed yet again,
in the tank at the moment;
5 glass cats
5 silver hatchetfish
15 harlequins
2 black neons
5 glowlights
2 adolfoi corys(think they might be c.duplicareus though)

in the qurantine at the moment;
2 german blue rams(hopefully a pair)
4 adolfoi corys(possibly c.imitator :( )
4 black neons

Fish still to get;
roughly 5 or so discus
New fish got out the QT a few days ago and after having trouble with the rams at first they have just laid a load of eggs :hyper: I dont plant on raising any fry for now so i'll leave the eggs be for the parents to do what they want, but i cant belive how quickly they settled in!! :hyper: :D
ok well here she is


sorry about that bit of reflection



Pogostemon Helferi

Aponogeton Ulvaceus-love this plant and it grows so quickly!

Vallis and swords, vallis melted but is starting to grow back in again now
Not the best photos but you get the idea :good:
any ideas/suggestions/criticisms welcome, i kinda want to add more plants but with no co2 i dont know?

id love a tank this size if i had the room.its great :good:
Great looking tank, like how you had the wood in the first place and then in the floating style.
How's everything settling in? I think with the stocking your wishing to keep that there isn't enough room for the discus. They grow huge and 6 is the minimum suggested number to keep.
Really like the plants too. What all was in the 50 plant surplus from plants alive? I'm looking more plant.
thank you :blush: everythings been fine so far, plants are taking off having to trim them back every week. Ill take better photos of it now and some of the rams if i can :nod:
well i posted a thread in the new world section and Devotedtodiscus advised me that i should get 6 or more discus and they should be fine? Im thinking ill get 6 young ones and if it turns out there will be too many or they will get too big, ill rehome them and look for something more suitable or rehome some of the other fish :)

The plants were great, all fast growing easy to keep plants and different sizes and colours. i got some hygro, vallis, few cryps, elodea and a few more (a couple purple). They deffinatly pick out a proper variety anyway :good:
I personally wouldn't have thought it big enough with your current stocking and planned stocking but D2D knows his stuff on discus so I would have to say to go with his suggestions.

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