Aqua Cube 40


Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2009
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Hi all,ok...... i have a aquaube 40 (40litre) can i use it for maybe live rock? and anything else i could add ie crabs etc i dont suppose its big enuff for fish of any kind without added expense.I bought this to go on my computer desk for tropical but am fasinated with marine now and just want something until my bigger tank is under way.Any advice on things id need for it if its possible.Seems a waste just sitting there as i could gaze at it whilst on my pc lol.
hi oldfisher

how big and how long till your bigger tank is on its way

regards scott
just posted on other thread,lol.....

that would make a lovely zoa display tank with even a few gorgs, etc....several really small gobies available now that would fit in there nicely too. our nano is only 54 lts and is totally over stocked, not even a skimmer on it ,and has ran successfully now for almost 2 years..check mini me's nano on nano threads.

With regular maintenance and water changes all sorts of things can be done...remember all info out there are simply guide lines, not hard and fast rules !!
also what are the lights you have on that tank you shold be able to keep some corals and a few small gobys and live rock you could keep inverts,corals,gobys in that tank for now
Hi Scott,well i have a 3foot x12 width x15 high atm and have a similar sized spare tank im going to try and make into a sump for it.At the mo my 3foot is a cichlid tank but im after getting the necessary equipment to make the sump and also convert the cichlid tank.Its all a slow process until the funds are ther eto get the equipment lol.

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