Aqua Clear Filter

Hi Joey

New Member
May 30, 2004
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its been a month now since upgrading to an 80g tank. i was wondering if anyone else uses this filter and how often do you replace the inserts. when i bought it, it came with the foam and carbon inserts but not the Amrid Ammonia Remover. since it didn't come with that one, i assume it wasn't necessary but is it best if i have all three inserts???
Hello Hi Joey :)

I use AquaClear filters on most of my tanks and find they do a great job. :thumbs:

You seldom have to replace that sponge if you rinse it out in used tank water when you clean your tank. You don't even need to do this if the water flow is good. One sponge will last for 6 months to a year. Actually, you will not have to replace it until it begins to fall apart. Of course, the lfs will not tell you that.

I filled the chambers above the sponges with big wads of filter floss, which I rinse when I rinse out the sponge. It is very inexpensive stuff and it lasts a long time. This will give you more surface area for the beneficial bacteria to cling to, which will enhance the effectiveness of your filter. :flex:
thanks for the reply inchworm. and i think its a great filter too, i really like how you can adjust the water flow of the filter. the siphon tubes have gotten really dirty so i wanted to know if any of the inserts should be replaced or not, thanks for the help ;)
Hello Hi Joey :)

To adjust the water flow, move the intake tube from the right (fastest) to the left (slower). There is a little slot that it can move in.

To clean the intake tube, I remove it and run tap water through it. Then, I push a small wad of wet paper towel through. Don't make it so big that it gets stuck though. I push it down as far as it will go and put it under the tap so that the water pressure pushes it through the rest of the way.

I'm pretty sure that some of the members will have a better way of doing it. :*)

BTW, you can get rid of the charcoal. It seems that that's an old fashioned thing that no one seems to think much of anymore. I keep some at hand in case I want to remove medicine, but find the filter floss a better alternative. :D
Yeah, I have a mini and I was wondering about that carbon insert. The water actually seems to push around it rather than through it. I might try the filter floss instead. Plus it's heaps cheaper. :D
I've got the AquaClear 300 and am happy with it :) I got my tank set up in March and haven't changed a thing in the filter yet. Well, when I was starting my new tank, I swished the filter around in the new water to help introduce some of the bacteria.

I've still got the carbon in there, but was thinking about swapping it out for filter floss of these days :rolleyes:
I run mostly AquaClears also, and do the same sponge/floss setup on them, as well as any oddball hob filters that I may run across cheap. Just cut the ac foam to fit, or if it's close, cram it in there.

I keep charcoal around to run on used tanks, as I don't know for sure what they may have been cleaned with, or after a fishless cycle, to remove any unknown chemicals that may be left over from the "pure" ammonia.


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