Apple Snails What Am U Doing Wrong?


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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ok ive had these 3 apple snails getting on a year now and they are for ever laying me eggs, but none ever hatch, i know i defo have 1 male and 1 female coz they are always at it lol (mating i mean) anyways do you rekon im doing somthing wrong or my male apple snail is shooting blanks?

ild be very greatfull for any advice.

ow and one more thing do you think my tank is abit to humid as a few times eggs have fallen of the tank lid
The eggs need to stay on the lid - they need to be in humidity, but not in the water. They'll hatch in several weeks.

Mine do occasionally fall into the water, I'm not sure if these can be "saved".
right ok thanks for that, i have 2 clutches which im trying another way to try and hatch ive placed them in a tup floating in the water they have a slight whiteish top colour dunno if thats bad or good??? but if anymore fall in the water least these ones wont lol
best thing to do ime exp. if you want them to breed is to leave them alone, leave the clutch wherever they lay them (inside of the hood was a fav for mine) and then about 2-3 weeks later, bam baby snails everywhere.

oh and btw they dont do it like us mammals, if you took two of them out the other would still lay, and these will hatch as well
Are you certain the male and female are the same species? There are a couple of common apple snail species that can be hard to tell apart unless you have a trained eye. Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea bridgesii can look very similar in the wild and gold color forms, and are often sold together by accident.
ive left alone 8 other clutches for 6 weeks and still never hatched, hmm ill go grab some pics of the 3 and then you could tell me if they are the same type, i never thought about that part

right here are all 3 the one at the frount is the known female
ive left alone 8 other clutches for 6 weeks and still never hatched, hmm ill go grab some pics of the 3 and then you could tell me if they are the same type, i never thought about that part

how do you know its a female?

I only ever had one in my tank and the little bugger would not stop laying eggs, approx 4-5 clutches a week, til i got rid and thats with no snail loving, only self pleasure.......
lol...i know its a girl because ive seen her laying the eggs and she is smaller than the other 2
Well im mighty confused, i thought apple snails were hermaphroditic but i have just looked and there are definately a male and female which are both needed for reproduction...... So where the hell did all my eggs come from???? :unsure:
she was probs a female and they can hold on to or rather store the sperm from a male they mated with a good while back, so she didnt need a male to lay the eggs or for the to hatch she was prepaired already lmao
I too thought they were hermaphrodites, seems i was wrong...

Snails can however store sperm for long periods of time so that could well be where the eggs came from.
i wish mine was storing some and putting it to use lol, would love some little babys
Lol where are ya? i dumped mine in the gf's tank (2 in there now) and they are still at it!
im based in northants (northamptonshire)

god u lucky mayb if i give up on them and dump them somewhere i might get lucky :lol:
Meh, nowhere near me!

I didnt see it as luck, thats why i got rid, the clutches were a nuisance for me, and the ones i forgot about or didnt see when they laid took ages to vacuum up the little critters, amazing how fast they can disperse themselves round the tank!!

try this link mate, might help your hatching success rate

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