Apistogramma Alacrina

what tank you stocking now stu the 63litre or another?

As per the OP.Looking for fish for a new 63ishL. Not for current 180L (not sure how Bolivians would take to having more Cichlids introduced, plus that tank is pretty settled)
Ignore Minnnt, it's a running joke about substrate.Small things..
You would know about small things...

Anyway... :D

I used to use Argos Play sand, but i found it too light (in weight) and everytime it was disturbed it clouded the water.

Let me know if you want any Alder cones, i can package you some up and post em off to you.

Get some pics up of the whole thing, i love seeing a new tank develop. :)
Stocking to go well with them: maybe a shoal of black widow tetra? cherry barbs? nothing to weak but nothing to aggressive. No corys or other bottom feeders as they will interfere and cause trouble. Maybe a placid dwarf pleco?? Mine were just on there own as it was a breeding tank
Getting slightly ahead of myself talking about stocking to go with fish i haven't even got yet

In the first, i didn't know if i could have any Alacrina's in a tank that size with those water parameters.
Ok so a pair is do-able, maybe 1m-2f if planted correctly? Yes? No more because of tank footprint?
I'll worry about other inhabitants later.Probably some Oto's, was going to get Amano shrimp but not good mix with Cichlids.Not cherry barbs though. Orange & yellow

What age can you sex the Alacrina's from? Probably not to worried about breeding though.
you cant really sex them until they are seperated from the group, they will show colours more then. I would go for a pair if breedingg maybe 2 females if they get on ok but the best thing to do is buy a small group wait for them to grow then sell the left overs, thats how i created my best breeding groups

I am currently growing a white gold cacatuoides and I want to get hold of a super orange female. They will be some good looking fish :nod:

Oh Yeah! BigBruiserAl had some for sale but will not post, tbh i dont have room to breed them

Actually I have hmmm sounds like a new plan :shifty:

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