Api Test Tubes In The Uk


Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
probably been asked alot the first thing i did with my api master kit was break a tube :no:

where is the best place to get a replacements as i would like to get 2 more and make a total of 5 so i can do all the tests in one go :good:
There has to be a cheaper source of these tubes for the hobbyist - that's a lot of money! My cat seems to like stealing the lids overnight so I'm down to 2 lids.

I've still not worked out the chemistry of all the tests, but I think they are designed for 5ml plus or minus a fair bit, so even using a syringe to dose into a capped specimen tube with reasonable optical clarity should do...

BTW, 5 tests? Surely you only do 4 - ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and one of the pHs?
ye but my ph is between the 2 cards so i always do both and 1would always be spare
and ye that website is abit silly price wise £5 for 2 deliverd ill try my lfs see if he has any from his old kits
ive got 2 spare api tubes with lids you can have if you're near me in chichester
pm sent regarding address details.
Dont woryy aboutpayment as postage can't be more than a pound or so i wouldnt think.

I was down to 2 because they always seem to find the ground :lol: and that was between two test kits. I had to by an ammonia replacement cause ran out and didn't need any of the others I got a tube with that so I'm up to three. You might look at ebay or a place that sells chemistry stuff might be able to get a good deal there. If you still in school or know someone who is and if you have a chemistry lab you could see if they have some.
address received.. will post Tuesday sometime
It was posted this morning first class so should be with you soon.

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