Anyone Want Mantis Shrimp

Tough to say on an ID with those pics. Really need a few to get it 100%... Do you know where the LR came from Littleme? That can really narrow things down.
The rock cam of the internet..PMSL :lol:
Not sure...
Reef Store
Says they get it all over the world. I would assume that they will mix batches for curing as they do this in huge tanks so the origin of the rock wouldnt matter .
Ive got them isolated in a couple of tubs suspended in the tank. They seem quite happy with a bit of rock for cover. Though it looks a so would like them homing ASAP guys :)
like I said I am definetely wanting the black one. if it is viridis, this is a quote from the other forum...

The black one is probably Haptosquilla glyptocerus. It won't get much bigger and isn't a threat to anything you're likely to keep in a reef or fish-only tank. It will hide in a little cavity and just yank mysis and other meaty bits from the water column. It might take out tiny snails, but anything that you're likely to keep for "cleanup duty" (astraea, turbo, cerith snails; blue- or scarlet-leg hermits) will be "safe enough".

The brown one is one I can't recognize definitively from the pics that you provide, although I suspect Gonodactylellus viridis from the color, and that it shares it's range with H. glyptocerus. Do you know where it came from? Also, if you could get pics of the tail (straight down from the back), and the inside of the smashers (look for colored spots), they would help greatly with identification. In any case, it's not any of the "tear the tank apart" species (peacock, etc).
Sorry this is kind of off topic but what do you think of Reef store? I was planning on getting my LR from there when I get my tank going (its the only place I can find that sells "man made" stuff and has good reviews).
Reefstore for Rock is great!.. If you order before one PM they will often ship that same day. Rock is excellent quality and always sent next day.

The Mantis..
Yes I saw the post on the other forum (reef Central) I use it too :) I agree with what he says about the brown one, with the exception of the blue spots that I really can see the colouration is the same.
Not sure about the black one though.. I cant find any with the white spots on the net, hes also less of a hole dweller and more of a swimmer. The brown has sat in hole in the rock 99% of the time, while the little black dood is all over the place and supper active. The brown is nearly 3 times the size of the black one in body mass too. I cant see me getting any better pics but I will try later on today.
Take the
I dont have any suitable plastic containers so what other options do I have.
I'm at a loss for something that is mantis proof that can go in the tank and allow water flow etc :(

How about one of them floating breeding traps with a lid. If you turn them once there in so the air comes out the two end it will sink.

I know there not very big but would it be OK for a temporary solution
These are the best pics I can get.. hope they are of some use. Just dont have a suitabl container to photopragph them in or I could get better ones. Thank goodness for super macro with 10 x zoom :) ;)

I have them in 2 cut off milk cartons with holes in the main tank. They now have a nice little rock pile each to live in and get fed once a day on what my fish get.
Brown/Green one... No blue spots on close up but otherwise colouration is as the other guy said.


Black with white spots.. and stunning purples and blues underneath :) very pretty little guy :)




I could imagine if he gets any size he would be a handsome little guy :)

I can post these if anyone is interested to UK but you would have to cover next day postal charges.

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