Well Beau started puppy classes a week ago today. This was the 2nd Monday out of 8 Mondays. He did TONS better today. Barked his head off the first day

I was slightly embarassed. (Ok REALLY embarrassed) Have a pinch/choke collar on him and the guy was telling me and showing me how to use it. It's amazing. There would be NO WAY I could get him to listen w/out it. He went absolutly APE around the other dogs. He also nips

Naughty puppy.
Things we've worked on:
*leaving his side to step in front of him while having him sit and stay still
*walking around him while he's sitting
*down (laying down on the ground/floor)
It's a lot of work. He's a high energy dog and if the other dogs aren't walking fast enough he gets bored and starts looking around and gets tempted to bark. This time I only corrected him for barking about 3ish times. A lot better.
There are 2 Great Danes, Boxer, German Shepard, 2 Shelties, Jack Russel, Yorkie, Golden Retrievers, Cavalier King Charles...lots of variety.
My 7 yr son comes to watch. He's bringing my camera next week to take some photos. I may post some if they are decent enough
He's 9 months old now and 44 lbs now.