I used it solidly for the last two weeks. Last night saw the re-installation of Windows XP and I am
very angry with myself for changing to Vista. I should have known how it would end, because it has always ended this way.
I'm a web developer and I recently forced myself to choose an OS - Windows or Linux. I tried Ubuntu solid for two weeks, then tried just Vista solid for two weeks, then chose... Vista. I have been working with Windows since 2.1. No one else I know even remembers that there was a 2.1. I have been using Linux and Unix for years too, no where near as long, but at least eight years now with some level of comfort and ability.
Vista is a memory hungry, great looking lump of an OS. It does nothing you ask it to, everything you don't want it to. It has hidden almost everything I am used to in Windows. It takes many more clicks to get to places that were previously easily accessed in Windows 2000 or XP. Its networking automatic configuration is nice - until it breaks, then its even worse to configure than XP.
I'm back on XP for now and this is actually slowing down
two projects that I'm working on, and they aren't small contracts either!
Long story short: if you are willing to try something new and give it a chance, use Linux. Just download Linux. Install it after you install Windows and your dual boot will be fine. You need only minimal knowledge to get Linux installed properly.
I have had enough of Microsoft once again and for the last time. Vista breaks just as much as XP, it just looks better when it does. Any operating system that can be attacked through its
mouse pointers is not anything I want to be a part of.
I went back to the dark side and regretted it.
Quickie Edit: You can use Vista for up to 30 days without a valid product key (just don't enter one) or activation. After that time you need to activate it... or at least find a way to stop the count down... hint hint
So if you come across a download anywhere then you can try it out.