Anyone Use These? And update...


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Does anyone use those Double Betta Hexes? I was thinking about getting one and just taking the divider out. I just can't keep a fish in something that's not much bigger than those cups. :unsure:

White at Wal-Mart today (of course, looking at bettas), there was a woman there looking at them, and she finally picked one out. Then she was trying to decide whether or not trying to get a peace lily again. I debated for awhile, and told her why the peace lily's won't work, if they take up the whole surface area (she said she had recently lost a betta). She didn't look thrilled that I threw in my extra two cents (without being asked lol), but atleast she didn't by the plant. Surprising enough, I didn't come home with a new betta (for myself anyway lol). My neighbor wanted a betta, so I told her I would look for one while I was in town. Found a beautiful lavendar/blue/red boy, and I almost gave her Nux and kept the new guy. But Nux kept following me around the room, looking at me like "Why are you gonna take me out of my bowl?". I just couldn't do it! I felt so's amazing how you can get so attached of things that live in water. :wub: :lol:

My two newest rescues, Rooibos and Eptun, seem to be doing great! They have little clay pots to hide in, and they have been staring at their reflections in the marbles at the bottom of their bowls.
dixaisy930 said:
Does anyone use those Double Betta Hexes? I was thinking about getting one and just taking the divider out. I just can't keep a fish in something that's not much bigger than those cups. :unsure:
Yep. I do. Well, I did until yesterday or the day before (I forget which). I used them divided and un-divided. They did alright in them. They built bubble nests and seemed to be fairly content. I moved 'em out of the hexes because I had bigger tanks available for each of 'em.

Two of my Bettas have a little piece of PVC pipe to hide in and swim through and they seem to enjoy that a lot. I have flower pots in my bigger tanks and the fish like them too! :nod:

aka Lizard
I was tempted to buy one the other day because it was on clearance, but decided against it. I like using those Kritter Keepers (I think it's the small or medium ones) which hold almost a gallon of water, and cost a little less than those Double Hexes.

I hope they go on sale sometime, that way I can stock up, since I know I'll have a huge herd of bettas soon enough. :lol: :lol: :huh: :huh: :lol: :lol:

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