Anyone successfully kept algae crew (snails) with cichlids?


Jan 31, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hey everyone, so this is going to be a weird one.. but I actually introduced two types of pond snails to my community and you are probably thinking why the hell would you do that are you crazy? haha well the result was actually no algae, no detritus, somehow ended up with less bioload (nitrates) and a healthy little freshwater cleanup crew that breeds like rabbits! Awesome can never get rid of them now but they serve a good purpose and they actually help me out with the cleaning up side of things so I really am not complaining and have actually grown to like them I mean as long as their food is semi controlled then so is the population thank god. Anyways has anyone ever kept larger hard shelled snails in with cichlids with success? Kind of want an algae clean up crew in my 80gal now aswell but if I even tried moving some over theyd get eaten lightning quick..
What kind of cichlids are you talking about? African or American. I keep angelfish and have pond snails and angels don't go after them. Ponds snails won't be eaten by dwarf cichlids either. Bigger cichlids probably would (both North American and African), but pond snails are unusual in African cichlids tank because they rarely have plants.
What kind of cichlids are you talking about? African or American. I keep angelfish and have pond snails and angels don't go after them. Ponds snails won't be eaten by dwarf cichlids either. Bigger cichlids probably would (both North American and African), but pond snails are unusual in African cichlids tank because they rarely have plants.
South american/central american mixed tank with some of the cichlids actually hunted most of the pond snails that hitchhiked in on the jarva fern, I would say a few of my fish are more predatory than usual probably because my lfs decided on feeding the cichlids tonnes of live food for most of their lives so it’s pretty tough to think of much to be honest but the tank does need a cleanup crew haha
back then, i had a ravenous crew of 20 small malawi chiclids,
i got some clams from the lake as a kid and thought it would be fun to keep clams.
the next day? just shells

id say no for african
back then, i had a ravenous crew of 20 small malawi chiclids,
i got some clams from the lake as a kid and thought it would be fun to keep clams.
the next day? just shells

id say no for african
I think my americans are just as bad constantly begging me for food, sat here trying to eat pizza in peace while watching them and I’ve got a huge audience begging me for some ???

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