Anyone Ordered From Fishbitz Or Living Seas

i order my filter on the 24th dec 08 and received it today.

WHAT A SHAMBLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i keep i contact through e-mails and kept getting the same old story, broken stock, waiting etc ??????????

in the last two days i'd had enough, so e-mailed to that effect, and got nothing but abuse saying it wasn't their faul

well WHO's fault is it then.

They took the money strcioght away but failed to send - only over two months later.

I still think they wouldn't have bothered if i hadn't kept pestering them.

I ordered a heater and filter from 'The Living Seas' I was a little wary after reading reviews however the price was good so took a punt. I was happy to pay a 'convenience fee' at the LFS however the Tetratec EX1200 was £120 at LFS and just over £60 at TLS which is a piss take of a difference.

It is best to phone them as the website doesn't take stock into consideration, guy sounded like a bit of a twat on phone however delivery was free and goods arrived promptly so I
can't really fault them although would prefer to use Aquatics Online or Charterhouse Aquatics both friendly and helpful.
whats the big deal over a £25 heater do you think they will rip you off for £25 i don't think so you will get your money or your goods one way or the other

lol, so ppl will only get ripped off on expensive things! and if its cheap it does not matter??
get real!!

a phone is for calling people use it to place your order that method of buying worked well for years before the INTERNET

hardly the point is it?! penny farthings worked very well, before ppl started using cars!!

its just pisses me off when i see threads like this with people moaning about not getting their goods the next day

i'm sure we are all quite upset you are P"£$ed off, boo hoo an all that! but where did someone actually moan about not recieving somewthing the next day?? stick to facts or just dont bother commenting!

start a thread if you haven't got what you paid for 1 year later not 10 Min's after placing a order

what a stupid thing to say, moronic even!

i ordered stuff from ebay that wasn't in stock it took me 8 weeks to get my stuff you don't see me starting threads saying ebay is rubbish everyone stop using them i sorted out on my own not moaning like a baby :unsure:

so, you contacted ebay to sort it for you or the dealer was decent enough to deal one on one! well done you!!
totally unlike trying to deal with the rude and ignorant guys that run the various companies under AQUAMAGIC GROUP
also, there is a thing called feedback on ebay, (which is effectivly what we are doing here) did you leave good or bad or didnt you bother, actually dont answer cos i really dont care!! and comparing a single online shop with the whole of ebay is actually again, pretty moronic!!!
Has anyone on here got the nerve to be up front and tell people what you lot are like.

You go on about Aquamagic group, of which Highpeak is not linked to the others, if you did your research properly you would know this and it is easier enough to find out, but the truth is the general public does not get to hear about the abuse the group gets down the phone, the number of times women staff are sworn at and called all the names under the sun until they have to go home sobbing because the customer has told them and the male staff, if he wants to be a twat he will and how are we going to stop them.

People don't own up to that do they. They say about how rude and unhelpful we all are but there are alot of customers out there, that do not sit on the forums day in and day out complaining, who call us and tell us how good our service is.

You may come back and retaliate about this email, but think before you do. Baron Bubba hello........... i remember you very well. Please see above.

And just to clarify, one gentleman on here who claimed to have his emails shown to other customers is lying. One customer rang us and told us that there was a post on here to do with Diane, this customer sent me the link and apologised on LOFTY's behalf for the rudeness of his thread.

LOFTY gave Diane so much verbal and email abuse that she left in floods of tears and did not come back for days.

Fair enough alot of stock we got delivered on a weekly basis, except for what had to come in from abroad, but would you let someone talk to you or let your partner be sworn at or abused in this way. If you would... i don't even pity you

If you wouldn't, just remember we can't all be perfect, we are doing a job and try to do the best we can. With the job situation at the moment, whether you think we are a bad company or not, would you have a guilty streak if you and all the other Aquamagic Group haters saw us on the dole too.

If you would then you are as bad as what we imagine the above type of customers to be. :angry:
I wish I had joined this site earlier!!!

I placed an order in excess of £500 a month ago and nothing yet! No emails answered no phone calls answered, and now I cannot bring their web page up!!

Does anyone know their address?

Talking about The Living Seas
Slippery Eel.

I think you have lost the plot a little here. Yes all companies will have some problems but they try and deal with them courtiously and in a businesslike manner, whereas your group just lies. Apart from the poor service when someone asks when it will be delivered and is given a 'false' tracking number as myself and another on here have both experienced, there are ways of dealing with problems.

This is why you get the 'aggressive' phone calls etc. I understand that there may be the odd problem with every company, but I expect the company to hold their hands up and tell the truth. Sorry Sir we haven't despatched it yet. Not give me tracking numbers for items delivered to the other side of the country to try and pretend it was despatched and then pretend that a second delivery is to be sent out!!! This after offering next day service, emailing me to say it would not be sent next day and the charge would be refunded, not refund the charge until pushed for it, and then deliver 3 weeks after ordered!!

May I also remind you that by law you should wait until you complete the transaction before taking payment. i.e. when you have the goods and process the actual order. Not take payment immediately when you haven't even got the item in stock. You cannot take payment until there is a contract. While you do not have the item you have no way of fulfilling the contract and no definate way of knowing when or if you will be able to fulfil a contract therefore you are breaking the law by processing the payment at this stage of proceedings. I suggest you do a little reading up of business law, business etiquette and make a complete and utter overhaul of your business procedures, including sending your employees on courses to train them to deal with complaints in a business like manner. This way you can deal with the public when there is a problem and keep them informed (with the truth) which in turn will mean you don't have to deal with the angry phone calls you are getting!!!

If I order from someone like Aquatics-online or Aqua Essentials and the item is not in stock or there is a problem they e-mail me. They don't stay silent and only reply once I ask the question. they also keep me informed of the situation at their end and when delivery will be made, when despatched and apologise for any convenience.

The reason your compan(y/ies) get the abuse they do is because of the service you provide!!!

And before you issue a poorly executed post like you did on UKaps threatening to hand the matter over to your legal team you would be taking hundreds of us to court and you would lose!!!! we all have our e-mails, and the facts do not lie. We can prove the service you give, where all you can do is refute the allegations saying that all these e-mails were mistakes (thinking tracking numbers is due in this week when it takes a further 3 weeks)

For those who want to see this 'letter' then here is the link:

Slippery Eel.

I think you have lost the plot a little here. Yes all companies will have some problems but they try and deal with them courtiously and in a businesslike manner, whereas your group just lies. Apart from the poor service when someone asks when it will be delivered and is given a 'false' tracking number as myself and another on here have both experienced, there are ways of dealing with problems.

This is why you get the 'aggressive' phone calls etc. I understand that there may be the odd problem with every company, but I expect the company to hold their hands up and tell the truth. Sorry Sir we haven't despatched it yet. Not give me tracking numbers for items delivered to the other side of the country to try and pretend it was despatched and then pretend that a second delivery is to be sent out!!! This after offering next day service, emailing me to say it would not be sent next day and the charge would be refunded, not refund the charge until pushed for it, and then deliver 3 weeks after ordered!!

May I also remind you that by law you should wait until you complete the transaction before taking payment. i.e. when you have the goods and process the actual order. Not take payment immediately when you haven't even got the item in stock. You cannot take payment until there is a contract. While you do not have the item you have no way of fulfilling the contract and no definate way of knowing when or if you will be able to fulfil a contract therefore you are breaking the law by processing the payment at this stage of proceedings. I suggest you do a little reading up of business law, business etiquette and make a complete and utter overhaul of your business procedures, including sending your employees on courses to train them to deal with complaints in a business like manner. This way you can deal with the public when there is a problem and keep them informed (with the truth) which in turn will mean you don't have to deal with the angry phone calls you are getting!!!

If I order from someone like Aquatics-online or Aqua Essentials and the item is not in stock or there is a problem they e-mail me. They don't stay silent and only reply once I ask the question. they also keep me informed of the situation at their end and when delivery will be made, when despatched and apologise for any convenience.

The reason your compan(y/ies) get the abuse they do is because of the service you provide!!!

And before you issue a poorly executed post like you did on UKaps threatening to hand the matter over to your legal team you would be taking hundreds of us to court and you would lose!!!! we all have our e-mails, and the facts do not lie. We can prove the service you give, where all you can do is refute the allegations saying that all these e-mails were mistakes (thinking tracking numbers is due in this week when it takes a further 3 weeks)

For those who want to see this 'letter' then here is the link:

Well said my friend i totally agree!
I am sure you will all have a good time together, happy fish keeping. I am glad to see that not one of you thinks it is not ok to abuse a woman on the phone even when she is in the office and has nothing whatso ever to do with the warehouse. Good on you boys, the world must be a safer place out there, WHAT MORE CAN I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if that's the way you come across on here, I'm just glad I've never had to do business with you.
In prior years, I've worked quite a lot in customer facing jobs, and abusive customers are by far the exception, rather than the rule. Maybe I've just worked for better companies than yours? Maybe I have decent customer service skills and can sort out a problem without a. lieing and b. rudeness. Maybe the customers have dealt with have treated me with the same respect I've shown them. Maybe I've never worked for a company that's offered such a shoddy service as yours.

Or maybe, purely by coincidence, every one of your customers happens to be abusive and rude. You decide.

Thanks for your wishes of happy fish keeping, I have been doing so for several years without your services, and plan to continue so for a long time to come. :good:
I am sure you will all have a good time together, happy fish keeping. I am glad to see that not one of you thinks it is not ok to abuse a woman on the phone even when she is in the office and has nothing whatso ever to do with the warehouse. Good on you boys, the world must be a safer place out there, WHAT MORE CAN I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just because there is a female on the phone doesnt mean that customers have to be polite, what do you want them to do? Ask for a male to come on? If you are working for customer services then you should expect to get some abuse thrown at you, because some people are like that. If it does happen then you should try to act proffesional about it and calm the customer down - although i do agree it is common courtesy to be polite, but if you have spent well earned money to recieve nothing i am pretty sure you would be mad too - would you not?
IMO someone whom cannot handle a bit of verbal abuse from a customer down the phone shouldnt be in their possition.

and as for aquamagic; train your staff, learn the law, and learn how to handle situations properly

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