Anyone Know Which Amphibians Are Available In The Uk..?

I'm not sure on the trade. But I was thinking about madgap's waterfall suggestion. Then it occurred to me, why not have one side overflow into the otherside. Then have a strong pump or canister filter, with the intake on the low side and the output on the high side. Then you would have a continuous waterfall and you could adjust the hight and flow to what ever you like.
That would look AWESOME!!! And if you put some gravel above the water on the island and cover it in riccia, you could have a beautiful ground for frogs with a little stream turning into a waterfall. Only downside is that it might be loud as hell.
Sounds like a good trade for me but i would go fro tree frogs i have two whites tree frogs in a semi aquatic terrarium i will post some pics if yopu like.
after reading this i REALLY want a set up with a waterfall/plants/pool/rocks ect for something or other!! damn you guys!!

maybe you could make it on a bigger scale for something like a water dragon or something?? (sorry not helping with the tank you have!!)
Well, I traded my fish for a pair of musk turtles, a reptile light, some feed and some other bits and bobs... And I have gone with the waterfall idea. It's silent, believe it or not! I used the existing fluvl canister filter, so I can adjust flow rate, and it looks fantastic! Gravel, rocks and petrified wood on the island, bamboo coming out of the shallow pool and lots of plants in the deep side. Some drift wood I've had laid about for a long while going from the waterfall pool to the island so the turtles can climb out when they dive in the pool (they seem to make a sport of it!). It looks great! The turtles are about the size of pennies, but are fiesty little things! When you pick them up they try and go for you despite their small size. Tree frogs a possible future addition, but for now the turtles are doing well! Eating well, swimming about, spending most of their time either bathing by the water heater or basking in the shallow pools formed in small dips in the gravel on the island. Or base jumping into the plunge pool!!! Pics to follow! :)
I like it so far :drool: . The only things I would do is use a more natual color gravel and put something inside the center box, so you can't see in there :good: .

Also is the tank custom built?
Tank is custom built, and yes I plan to change the substrate. We have a couple of plants that live in the center normally, I took them out while photographing to take a pic from inside the box (I was trying to catch the turtle swimming but the bugger wouldn't hold still!)
Very nice, I love the turtles. Have you got a basking lamp and a UV lamp? Turtles will need these to keep healthy, it's good to get the combined UVA/UVB and heat lamps. Sorry if you already know this.
The light is a UVA / UVB lamp, have looked at basking lights but so far, research has proved that this particular species don't bask. And I have to say by watching them, I have not seen any basking behavior. They actually hide away under rocks or wood when the light is on most of the time.
have looked at basking lights but so far, research has proved that this particular species don't bask. And I have to say by watching them, I have not seen any basking behavior. They actually hide away under rocks or wood when the light is on most of the time.

Yes I think you're right, I have just looked up on them and it appears they are more aquatic than most other turtles so I don't think you'll need one, they should be fine with the lighting you provided. They are very cool, probably the ideal turtle for the home, far more suitable than the large red-eared sliders that people commonly keep.
Just sat watching them for an hour - dropped frozen bloodworm in and they didn't touch it, then one of them spotted a turtle pellet and they were off like a shot! Added another large log too, after studying more about their behaviour. Also just had the water test kit out, the fluval 205 is coping well! The water qualitiy is good enough for fish still, which I am surprised about! Did a water change anyway and hoovered up any uneaten food (they are messy buggers to be sure!).

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