Anyone Keep Or Experience On Satanoperca Leucosticta (jurupari)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2008
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I am looking for advice please i have 6No jurupari they are about 4" , my problem is one of them has stopped sifting for food and is in the virtical head down sort of bobbing now and again daily but not all the time it is feeding from mid water and looks in perfect condition, all other fish and water stats are spot on, any advice would be welcome, many thanks Alan...
I havent kept jurupari before, but is there any chance with 6 of them, he is the lowest in the pecking order and being picked on?
I havent kept jurupari before, but is there any chance with 6 of them, he is the lowest in the pecking order and being picked on?

Thanks for the fast reply, he is probably the biggest only by couple of mm there is no aggresion in fact he gently pushes others away when they come to see what he is doing, this is baffling me a little not seen it before, thanks again.
Any chance he could have damaged his swim bladder at all? Or maybe bloated? Try feeding some cooked crushed peas to see if that helps.

As I say I dont know much about these fish, someone else who does, should be along soon and can hopefully give you some better advice :)
Any chance he could have damaged his swim bladder at all? Or maybe bloated? Try feeding some cooked crushed peas to see if that helps.

As I say I dont know much about these fish, someone else who does, should be along soon and can hopefully give you some better advice :)

Thank you i was thinking that, they get a lot veggies not bloated, i just dont understand it , as been like this for approx 1 week, i thought it might have been a mouth prob eg fungus or bacterial so treating with melafix and pimafix but no difference also tried different temperatures and oxygen rates, Thanks again for your help, regards Alan
I currently have both S. jurupari and S. leucosticta, as well as two other species of Satanopercoid.

Can you get any pictures of the ill fish, Alan? It sounds like a swim bladder problem, or a constipation problem - both of minx's suggestions are accurate. There's not a lot we can do without pictures though :)
I currently have both S. jurupari and S. leucosticta, as well as two other species of Satanopercoid.

Can you get any pictures of the ill fish, Alan? It sounds like a swim bladder problem, or a constipation problem - both of minx's suggestions are accurate. There's not a lot we can do without pictures though :)

Thank you will put pics up latter
I currently have both S. jurupari and S. leucosticta, as well as two other species of Satanopercoid.

Can you get any pictures of the ill fish, Alan? It sounds like a swim bladder problem, or a constipation problem - both of minx's suggestions are accurate. There's not a lot we can do without pictures though :)

Thanks for your help Dunc,s here are 2 pics the pic with 2 fish its the one on the left, these are very hard to take a picture of, i don,t know if they will be any help, like i say he will swim around as normal 90% of the time, feeds from mid water then he just starts to bob at the substrate in the virtical position, i have never seen this before and kept fish for a long time.
Having said that i do feed veggies every other day and cannot say for sure he has any, so i will monitor that, swim bladder not had that in any of my tanks so i am unaware of symptoms,i would be very greatful for any help thank you again regards Alan..


They are absolutely stunning - I'm so jealous :) Where did you pick them up from? You don't live near Newcastle do you....? :)

The way you've described it, it just sounds like he's trying to get at food from the substrate. If he can swim normally 90% of the time, I wouldn't worry about it too much. As I mentioned I keep numerous Satanopercoids and very rarely feed them actual vegetable matter in their diet - I've had zero constipation or swim bladder problems.
They are absolutely stunning - I'm so jealous :) Where did you pick them up from? You don't live near Newcastle do you....? :)

The way you've described it, it just sounds like he's trying to get at food from the substrate. If he can swim normally 90% of the time, I wouldn't worry about it too much. As I mentioned I keep numerous Satanopercoids and very rarely feed them actual vegetable matter in their diet - I've had zero constipation or swim bladder problems.

Thanks dunc,s, they are beautiful i got all six in one go from my lfs, you do not see them very often, got them in a species tank apart from 3 medium angels i transfered from my 100gl mixed tropics they mix very well it fetched them out of hiding, i live in cannock staffs but my son lives in newcastle ha ha, i will i think reduce there feed for a couple of days.
What do you feed yours & how often, and any tips would be welcome?i would like other eartheaters i think there fantastic, i also keep a 300ltr malawi tank & and 100gl mixed tropics, talk soon regards Alan
In the wild they sift through the substrate for small crustaceans.. so you can't go wrong with your general frozen variants of cyclops, bloodworm, glassworm etc. They'll quite happily eat chopped garden earthworm too, though I wouldn't recommend feeding that to them too regularly.

There's not much to keeping them really - standard things. Make sure you keep at least six fish in the tank. If you have any losses, seek to replace them ASAP with another leucosticta or at least another species of Satanopercoid. Try to avoid keeping them with Geophagus species - they're too aggressive for Satanopercoid fishes. They'll be fine with Angels.

Keep the water quality high - 35% every week is generally a good plan. The use of RO/HMA'd water is handy too.. these guys are a blackwater, low pH species - though they can survive happily enough in less acidic waters, as long as you don't really have intentions of spawning them.
In the wild they sift through the substrate for small crustaceans.. so you can't go wrong with your general frozen variants of cyclops, bloodworm, glassworm etc. They'll quite happily eat chopped garden earthworm too, though I wouldn't recommend feeding that to them too regularly.

There's not much to keeping them really - standard things. Make sure you keep at least six fish in the tank. If you have any losses, seek to replace them ASAP with another leucosticta or at least another species of Satanopercoid. Try to avoid keeping them with Geophagus species - they're too aggressive for Satanopercoid fishes. They'll be fine with Angels.

Keep the water quality high - 35% every week is generally a good plan. The use of RO/HMA'd water is handy too.. these guys are a blackwater, low pH species - though they can survive happily enough in less acidic waters, as long as you don't really have intentions of spawning them.

Duncs do you not use any flake or pellet ect, what temp do you keep yours & do you buffer your water?
Yeah I use cichlid pellets.. Tony Tan's Discus pellets.

I don't buffer my water at all - the softer the better, generally.

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