Anyone In London Got A Diamond Drill Bit?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sutton, Surrey, UK
After quotes of £70 I thought it would be easier just to drill my tank myself. Overflow boxes are all just sounding too risky for me.

Just wondering if anyone in South London area has a drill bit I could borrow? Or buy if need be.

Or even be willing to drill my tank for a price?
After quotes of £70 I thought it would be easier just to drill my tank myself. Overflow boxes are all just sounding too risky for me.

Just wondering if anyone in South London area has a drill bit I could borrow? Or buy if need be.

Or even be willing to drill my tank for a price?

you could use a masonary drill bit BUT use it on rotary drill only no hammer drill , it works just as well providing you drill nice and slow
After quotes of £70 I thought it would be easier just to drill my tank myself. Overflow boxes are all just sounding too risky for me.

Just wondering if anyone in South London area has a drill bit I could borrow? Or buy if need be.

Or even be willing to drill my tank for a price?

you could use a masonary drill bit BUT use it on rotary drill only no hammer drill , it works just as well providing you drill nice and slow


don't use a masonary drill or bit HAS to be Diamond hole Drill bit and a cordless drill as you need very slow speeds & and you need to make a water batch keep the glass cool or it will just smash to pieces :rolleyes:

i have drilled a tanks before so please don't use a masonary drill it will be to fast you tube drilling glass and watch ever one you can find
thats how i did it found a video that was very good and followed it
"Just wondering if anyone in South London area has a drill bit I could borrow? Or buy if need be"

Hi What size drill are you looking for?

B&Q do a range of diamond tipped core drills from around 15mm up to 38mm if memory serves me right

I recently "Fluvalised" a Juwel Trigon 190 corner tank using the 28mm drill which cost £10.99

They are kept in the tools section where all the drills are on display

  • Tips for drilling... make a template to drill throught till the drill has made a score mark to guide it
  • Use the slowest speed on your drill, preferably a cordless drill with trigger speed control
  • Make a plastecine moat around the drilling area and fill with water to keep the drill tip cool
  • Dont push! let the drill do the work
  • Stop every 20 seconds or so and check how deep you are
  • If you can support the off side of the hole with sheet of ply etc then do so it will help prevent breakout as the drill finally breaks through
  • Lastly do not be tempted to run your finger around the hole you just drilled........

First post but couldnt resist replying! hope it helps


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