That's not as good as my boyfriends brother. My OH has always been very careful that house party pictures when their mum was away didn't end up on facebook...
No such luck with his brother though. lol. Luckily he didn't upload any pictures of the time someone put their backside through a window (which they fixed before she got back). The time someone threw up down the front and the back of the house, the time the toilet door got ripped off of it's hinges... the list goes on.
Needless to say most of these were as a result of the OH's brother and his friends, not my OH's friends. But they always got it cleaned on time (or should that time)
I just hope my kids are that good when they have their 'secret' houseparties.
The specific time recently it was quite funny cause she phoned up the house to say 'I know you've had a party I bet you've not locked the patio doors' We were like... not us! We know better than to do things like leave doors open... his brother doesn't though so got a thorough telling off (he's 23 lol)
Anyhoo, moral of the story... be careful who you add to facebook, you never know what trouble you could be opening yourself up to
Top of the list for not being added are parents, grand parents and aunts/uncles