Anyone Have Killer Yoyo's?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
No Va, US of A
I am trying to solve a mystery... In the tank, we keep having mystery deaths, and we are trying to figure out if it was fish on fish violence. My wife is convinced that its the YoYo's that are the culprit. I myself think its the Giant Danio. Tank population is bunch of neons, bunch of platies, 4 Julii cories, now one orange laser cory, now one hatchet ( a second was lost to an obvious attack about 3 weeks ago, lots of bites taken.) 2 SAE's one Giant Danio, 3 pygmy cories three YoYo's and one Kubotai Loach. It may also be the result of a prolonged exposure to higher temperatures, as I had a pump with issues. It had driven the tank temp up to about 85 degrees for an undetermined amount of time, and I think there was a bit of bacterial infection going around. The tank is sterilized, but I was starting to see some stringy poo, which led to the discovery of the higher temps. Stupid mag drive... sigh. Anyway, I am on the fence as to who might be causing the damage. We also lost a few oto's as of late... though I think they are related to the high temps.
Also, why wouldn't the killer go for the neons or the pygmies first?

Any insights are welcome. I have links to vid of my tanks in my sig if that helps.
Well, now minus one oto.....

Still looking for any hints, although I myself am convinced it's fallout from the heat issues.
if a yoyo is a pakistani loach mine was eaten by an african sidenecked turtle
but they are very easy going gentle fish. so i doubt they are doing it
Well, now minus one oto.....

Still looking for any hints, although I myself am convinced it's fallout from the heat issues.

sorry its probs just me but i can't tell whats actually died?
Also can you post numbers of each species you have?

yoyos and kubotais can be a bit inquisitive and will occasionally nip at other fish,
Giant Danios also can very quickly become dominant in a tank where nothing challenges them
sorry its probs just me but i can't tell whats actually died?
Also can you post numbers of each species you have?

three oto's
one pygmy cory
one orange laser
two hatchet fish
one platy
we have also had a run of missing bloodfins, though I think they slid out the back and turned themselves into dried snacks

yoyos and kubotais can be a bit inquisitive and will occasionally nip at other fish,
Giant Danios also can very quickly become dominant in a tank where nothing challenges them

Yeah, I have seen that, and they will quite often get into a group of cories and play folow the leader with them up and down the tank, as well as get in and and play with the other fish, but I have never seen them get peckish. Also, the giant danio is a lone wolf, and it is my thought as well that he is the cuplrit. The only other fish his size are the two SAE's and the lone remaining hatchet.
three oto's
one pygmy cory
one orange laser
two hatchet fish
one platy
we have also had a run of missing bloodfins, though I think they slid out the back and turned themselves into dried snacks

Both the otos and corys death could be explained by higher temps,
I would also say that the Lone Giant Danio is the cause for the others,
I have five in a tank with much larger cichlids, catfish and oddballs, and they still try to push the others around
I have had some extremely aggressive yoyo's but like others have said its probably other factors. My yoyos were noticibly aggressive.

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