i have 10 neon and 4 rummynose tetras in my that sort of water and there all going great!
unfortunately the neon tetras attacked my guppies tails so im getting rid
I'll go take a look at my LFS tomorrow! Will see if they have any Neons or Black Neons! Just curious would they school together?
Apart from the name, Black Neons are not related to Neon tetras so not quite sure on the answer. I have Neons and Black Tetras. The Neons are pretty much always in the middle layer of the tank in a nice little shoal. My Neons on the other hand, tend to stay on there own at the bottom layer of the tank. My Black Neons seem to have a much bolder character to them than have my Neons. The Black Neons are so much fun to watch when they feed. They are lightning quick.