Anyone Got Soild Oak Flooring?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2013
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I've just got some reclaimed boards in very good condition and have about 20square meters of the stuff.
I'm in a pickle how to lay it right onto concrete I have a builder friend coming to help me, but wanted to know how other people did theirs?
You would need to lay a self-levelling screed down on top of the concrete, then seal it, then glue the oak down.
I found vinyl tiles on top of the concrete floor and my builder had said he can run battens across the floor to level it out then pour flex resin to bond the wood. Just not sure TBF?
I guess it depends how level the floor is and making it water proof so not to warp the oak.
There are still bits of nails in the tongue and grove but they look in good condition I think?



Cant help you really but will be stunning once down and cleaned up a little! :)
Yes got more wood today, I think I have enough to do the Hallway, Landing, bar toilets upstairs and downstairs.
Total I think will be about 25SQ meters.
Lots to do, but not looking forward to the sanding and sealing.
i put oak down in my house last summer but i have wood subfloors. i wouldnt put solid or even engineered stuff over concrete. just a bad idea all around. the wood wont be able to breathe with finish on top and concrete on bottom. nice looking wood you got though. crazy what people throw out. hope it works out but i think you'll have problems sooner or later.

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