Umm, you shouldnt EVER wean off treats when clicker training. If you do then the clicker loses its meaning.
Instead what you do is withhold the CLICK, not the treat. Click always = treat. Always.
But to get to such dizzying heights as heelwork to music routines like Mary Ray, etc, then you obviously cant be handing out treats and clicks left right and centre.
So you get a behaviour, trick whatever you call it..... and when its good you start to only click the very best ones. So if its sit, we only click really fast straight sits, sloppy slouchy sits, slow sits, get no click and thus, no treat.
If i want to link lots of behaviours together, say sit, down, stand, turn around, turn the other way, down.......
I start with the final one, down..... then we do down and turn the otherway, click and treat...... then down, turn the other way, turn the normal way, click and treat.........
Etc etc until we have the whole string of tricks, and just one click and treat at the end. This is called back chaining, and as i said before you can train heelwork to music routines iwth it which are 3 minutes long or more.
If you start clicking and NOT treating, your dog will eventually figure the click doesnt mean anything. I think a lot of people get confused and think that the click replaces the treat.
The treat element though doesnt have to be food, if your dog prefers toys or games then thats fine - but it does have to be something your dog likes!