Anyone else own a Ruby shark??


Oct 9, 2003
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High Wycombe, Bucks (England)
Anyone else here own a ruby shark, please let me know your thoughts.

This picture is from a while ago and he/she has grown alot since this was taken.
;) :nod:


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I own a ruby shark. It is very small at the moment, I only got it a few months ago. I think its female and has claimed a small cave in one of the rocks that i have. My ruby shark has a very strange body shape though...... It's head points downwards kind of like the synodontis catfish family. It roams the tank alot, slowly through the plants.

How large is yours? and has it tried to attack any other fish in the tank?

cheers ;)
I've got one - about 4" now. He lives in my community tank and thinks he rules - but he's quite a softy at heart - the sailfin fry swim right next to him and he doesn't do a thing :)
i hav 1 red finned shark or ruby shark as you call it in one of my community tanks. he chases anything that comes to near but he never harms them just chases them away from his spot. he is a great character. i brought him when i had a large one in there already. he nearly died from being attacked by the other. but mannaged to recover by hiding in a plant in one corner. then my larger one passed away and the other one began to venture out and become more bold. he is now 5-6 inches.
I have a albino ruby shark it has lived in two tanks and is know living in a 3ft tank but it may be moving up to a 4ft after Christmas.

P.s that catfish is a pictus cat (i think)

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