Anyone Else Ever Seen....

Beyond the fact he has a deformed spine (quite a common problem) he's your standard issue Leuciscus idus. Sensitive to low oxygen concentration; needs swimming space; schooling fish. Feeds on insects when small, fish once it matures. Largely indifferent to water chemistry (found in freshwater and brackish water) but doesn't like warm water. Generally not a good fish for aquaria (suffers in summer) but an acceptable pond fish.

Quite a funky fish, by the way! While I'd not breed from it, it's nice you're giving him a home.

Cheers, Neale
Thank you sooooo much!! I thought it was such a shame when I heard that the shop were going to 'dispose' of him!! We cant all be perfect!
Do you think he would be better in a pond then? My parents have a Koi pond that he could go into but he would be v small fish in big pond!
I don't know about how fast your orfe's swimming. If this orfe's not enough fast from the koi, then don't put him with koi or it can become easy target for pushover koi or other predators outside. Maybe set up the outdoor tub for just him and maybe few fancy goldfish (fantails) then. Before the winter you can move the orfe and the fancy goldfish indoors. Deformed fish are not good at speeding or darting.
Or you can set up the big tank in basement if its enough cool. Have you heard the "chiller"? Its device that make the water colder than the room temp.

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