Anybody Like The Look Of This!

Once again, ebay proves that ANYBODY can buy ANY fish and put them into ANY tank.
Does the current owner notice how awful that looks?!

That tank would have some great potential... It's not really my style, but in the right hands... I could find it attractive. In the hands of the current owner, its a crime!
The stock comes with the tank though. Not much fun trying to rehome all that lot.
Is that tank really worth £500-£1000?
Not to me, and certainly not if you have to rehome those fish. BOO!!! (Sorry, that's my Philly coming out in me.)
Something about the aquarium footprint for the fish due to the lack of the tanks width for oxygen dissipation into the water?

I wouldn't want to clean that tank!
It looks awful to be truthful, but you could make it look incredible. Hide the wiring, put some big rocks and wood in there, and some big tall plants, it could look pretty good. The only fish you could probably have would be small schooling fish, like; Neons, Cardinals, Tiger/Green Barbs, Harlequins, Lambchops etc. You could have maybe some Angels and/or Discus and maybe a lot of other different fish, but not those big ones like in the advert pics for it.... poor fish. :(

Another bad point; it would be a freaking nightmare to clean and to get rid of dead fish etc!

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