Any Snake Keepers On The Forum?

I keep 3 snakes and they are one of the best pets to keep in so many ways

I have a normal Boa an albino boa and a false water cobra, the normal boa Ive had since a tiny baby from 2 and a half years ago and shes now a heavy 6.5ft lump but I am so attached to her, shes ace to haandle and I think a good pet for my daughter whos now 6 and a half.She alays had a keen interest in the snakes and has always handled the boa supervised of course but its taught her how to respect animals and deal with them maturely despite her young years
Are you guilty of irrational feelings of fear?

I've never thought of it like this before. It may be irrational. I did touch a corn snake and a green tree python recently (the green tree python is stunning BTW) and they're honestly not what I'd thought they'd feel like. Cold and smooth, not slimey at all which I was suprised about.
Still had tears in my eyes whilst doing it though because I was so afraid of them.

Now, the words boa and constrictor terrify me, especially the latter word. I really don't like the idea of something wrapping itself around me, whether its 6inches or 6ft.
My marbled gecko is probably more wild than most snakes available from a pet shop as he will try and attack me each and every time I put my hand in the viv. He's mental.
I've been looking into snakes recently. Really like the Miami Corn Snakes. Might have to do a little more research first :good:

I know it's an older thread but both me and my GF have a snake each... My GF has a Royal Python and I have a Corn Snake. I'm hoping to be getting a Spotted House Snake or a Rainbow Boa at some point in the near future.
snakes make great pets

My mate has offered me a free baby milksnake today I'll pick it up in the week as he bred them recently

I gave him a Polypterus Endilicheri today so decent swap for me
I need some updated pics of my baby, his viv looks very different to this now.

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