Any Silverdollar Keepers Here?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Springfield Massachuetts,usa
Is there any other silverdollar keepers here besides me. I keep redhooks and regular ones. And if you have some please post some pics of them. Thanks,Alex.
hi i have had both

pacus, silverdollars

my silver Dollar was big about 5in by 5 in

but my whole tank got sick after get a few new fish
and only 1 green terror lived

pacus -- mine just grew and grew so i had to rehome them

they looked like my red belly pirahna it was sweet
I have 5 medium ones in a 55 gallon tank. I have three differnt variety's, and I'm not sure what they are. Notice in the bottom picture, two fish have a red spot behind thier eye. I do enjoy them! The pictures aren't the best, as the fish are very quick, and hard to photograph.


Wooow very nice! I like the two to the right on the bottom picture, how big are they? As round as a coca cola can?

I've been looking for months to get a large group of these - but had no joy as yet.
The two biggest ones are just a bit smaller than a soda can. If they keep growing, I'm going to have to move them.

Around here, they are pretty common. Are they rare in England?
dont trust pacuboy he is one big story teller he goes around forums asking for pics then posts them in other forums telling people they are his fish

if you dont belive me ask him for a list of fish he keeps then ask him again in 3 days and he will have forgoter what he said he has

The two biggest ones are just a bit smaller than a soda can. If they keep growing, I'm going to have to move them.

Around here, they are pretty common. Are they rare in England?
Not at all, very common.

I like Myleus schomburgki personally, the black barred dollers
Pacuboyeus anasshateus has gotta be my fave. Love the colour on them
Allright guys heres the truth. I don't have a 125 or a 300 gallon. But I do have a fish with some redhooks,a kissing gourimi,some black tetras,some four line cats,and a pleco. I lied about the dats and stufff.The tank that I do have is a 55.
Allright guys heres the truth. I don't have a 125 or a 300 gallon. But I do have a fish with some redhooks,a kissing gourimi,some black tetras,some four line cats,and a pleco. I lied about the dats and stufff.The tank that I do have is a 55.
That is very big of you to own up to. You didn't have to, so you should feel better for doing so.
It's best to be honest with people from the outset, that way people will be more than happy to help you out. I should change your profile just to give people a better idea of what size tank and what fish you do own.
Don't be too hard on yourself, we all mess up at some point! :)
Allright guys heres the truth. I don't have a 125 or a 300 gallon. But I do have a fish with some redhooks,a kissing gourimi,some black tetras,some four line cats,and a pleco. I lied about the dats and stufff.The tank that I do have is a 55.

if this is truely what you have then respect for coming clean and telling the truth thats all i have ever asked from you :nod:
Allright guys heres the truth. I don't have a 125 or a 300 gallon. But I do have a fish with some redhooks,a kissing gourimi,some black tetras,some four line cats,and a pleco. I lied about the dats and stufff.The tank that I do have is a 55.

if this is truely what you have then respect for coming clean and telling the truth thats all i have ever asked from you :nod:
well done pacuboy for telling the truth i knew we would get it out of ya in the end :) have you really got a cam too?get some real pics posted :good:

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