Any Rugby Players Here?


Jan 17, 2007
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my own subjective universe
just want to see how many rugby players tehre on here. i am starting my second season soon, after a terrible first (hyper-extended my knee on a tackle) i could only play 2 games and i was out, so i am hoping that this year i can acctually play.

tell your stories about how long you have been playing, any injuries, ect...

Been playing for 2 years now...can't WAIT until next season starts in 2 weeks. Played like I said since gr. 10 (2 years ago), started at prop/flank but now that coaches realized I'm too agile for a prop, yet still powerful enough, I'm just a loose forward, mainly #8. Worst injury was probably my first year going into a tackle improperly (against a big tighthead :() and landing on my back funny I was out for rest of season with back injuries. Other than that just normal cuts scrapes bruises and last years concussion. :)

Love it, rugby is the BEST.
I played two seasons, managing to eat my way from wing to tighthead. Somewhere on the forum are photos from my tours :D

I haven't played this year due to a nerve injury to my neck at the end of last year, followed by damaging my knee, and the end of this season was killed by falling forwards when squatting in the gym.

Hopefully next year I will be back.
I play for my school team...Either a flanker or second row.Last season I did something to my shoulder blade and left me with a tingly stabbing sensationg until about 2 weeks ago (which is months), I also did something to my neck because I could hardly bend it :rolleyes: ...Apart from that a nose bleed and twisted ankle and generally beign squashed by a few really really fat people.
i used to play when i was younger for my school team then for my local club
i cant play any more since my health to a turn for the worse
i still i like to watch i miss the club nights and people and all that

biff ex prop fwr
I play rugby, I love it, rugby is amazing! I'm only 16 but i've been playing for 8 years, the last 2 years was my first 2 real serious seasons playing for a youth club but I've been offered a spot on a mens team when I turn 17 this September, can't wait! Apparantly i'm a bit of an odd player, i'm very small for a rugby player but tackling is my best eliment, (i'm about 9 stone 5 and 5'7") putting props on the floor never gets boring :hyper: And position-wise i normally play fly-half or fullback but i can play centre and wing/flanker if need be.

Did I say? Rugby is the best sport around. Hands down.
putting props on the floor never gets boring

It can get tiring when they weigh over 20 stones and while going down they are trying to stamp all over you ;)

Not to mention dirty flankers who love finding a small person to cut in half in a tackle...

Glad to hear you like it though. I can't wait to get back in the front row in autumn.
Yeah, flankers can take the piss sometimes. My next season starts September, cant wait.
I've been playing rugby for nearly 7 years, since under 9's, I'll be playing in the u16's next season.

Percy Park R.F.C , our team equalled the club recored winning the county cup 3 years in a row.

I play second row, (number four)

I missed most of last season after I tore my hamstring off the bone, I'm still not running right 7 months on.....

I love it sooo much, I personally enjoy just cleaning out larger forwards who are gormlessly hanging around a ruck on the fringes. Priceless.

Ex loose head here. :)

Out for full season. Broke my collar bone tackling a youth Irish prop. out for a few months. First training sesion back was brought down broke my other collar bone.....

Kinda give it up then lol
I play loose or tight head, this year I only played for the school, we only lost 1 match in 5 years playing 15 a side. We then entered rugby 7's tournaments, we won one tournament, not loosing a match, then got through to the semi finals in a country wide tournament, loosing out to the winners. I'll play for a club again next year and for a new school. I'm not huge for a prop, was 15 stone before a little training for rugby 7's where I went down to 14.
I played now planning on coaching. played from the age of 9 i am now 24. I have played a few positions No 8, Flanker and Centre's but my real position is in the second row which is where i played for all my reprsentative rugby
I have played for: School Newmarket Upper
Cambridgeshire County School Team U14-U16
Newmarket RFC all the youth sides then then mens
Bury St Edmunds RFC For a while in the Colts
Suffolk County U14-U19
Eastern Counties U14-U19
I have toured the UK, France, Italy and South Africa with Eastern Counties,

I love the game but work commitments means i cant play (Gutted) but i am going to start coaching the youth sides. I still watch plenty and go to Twickers alot.
Best team is the Tigers

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