Any Opinions On My Choices Of Fish?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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I am currently setting up a new 100gal tank. Its in the fishless cycle process.
I have 3 fish so far, in a different tank. They are 2 Black Ghost Knifes, and a bristlenose cat.

The fish i would LIKE to get are Silver Dollars, Angels and khuli loaches. also some other catfish, not sure exactly which ones tho.

What are your opinions on these fish? I know 2 Ghost knifes in the one tank is probably too much, but i have had them for ages and before i knew how big they would grow. they are around 4 inches. If they grow too big i will eventually get a bigger tank (years time or so)

with fish like that, you might want a catfish or 2 that can stick up for itself. nothing like corydoras. something like sonydontis (can never spell that right) but then again I maybe wrong. A little shoal or corydoras maybe fine. Everything else seems fine :good:
I dunno if i said it right, but the 3 fish i already have, the 2 bgk's and bristlenose, will also be going into that tank.
I dunno if they can eat silver dollars, angels, khulis or decent sized catfish.... All too big to fit in ghost knifes mouth. The Ghost knifes are only 3.5-4" now, so it will still be ages before they get any decent size to them, and by then the other fish will be quite big.
most larger synodontis,like multiplicantus and ocifeller, will fend for their own but you may also look at pictus or maybe a channel cat if they can fit in suttin that size.also you should also look to other members for advise on large fish.CFC or paul_mts has just gotten a nice larger cat.he has a topic in the members pics.
I dunno if they can eat khulis

Wrong, cue some yummy 'spaghetti' feasting. You'll want anything that can't fit in its mouth by the time they start to outgrow the tank, so silver dollars should be OK (although they eat mot plants you try to keep with them) and so should angels.
Why not add around 5 pim pictus, very pretty catfish, way too fast for your BGK's, and they get around the 6 inch mark so they wouldn't be dwarfed by your other fish.
I am currently setting up a new 100gal tank. Its in the fishless cycle process.
I have 3 fish so far, in a different tank. They are 2 Black Ghost Knifes, and a bristlenose cat.

The fish i would LIKE to get are Silver Dollars, Angels and khuli loaches. also some other catfish, not sure exactly which ones tho.

What are your opinions on these fish? I know 2 Ghost knifes in the one tank is probably too much, but i have had them for ages and before i knew how big they would grow. they are around 4 inches. If they grow too big i will eventually get a bigger tank (years time or so)


happy times
I would seperate the gkf, even if they have lived like that since you had them. It wont last long, it disrupts the way they feed. Its a lot of tank for a cory shoal, unless you do a big shoal of them, I have 4 line pictus cats in my bigger tanks. They are great, just make sure there are no small fish that hang out on the bottom of the tank, because they are like hoovers and dont pay much attention to wat they eat. which is everything.
Kuhlis would get lost in a 100G, In something that size you want something like a few reedfish or a smaller Eel. A Bichir may also be an option.
A trio of Pearl Gouramis would also look good for the top of the tank, or even some Golden Panchax if you didn't go for the Bichir.
You may also like to add something like a centrepiece Cichlid such as a Blue Acara, Severum, Festivum etc,
What about a kissing gouramis, they grow massive and are a classic. if i had a tank that big i could consider them. Also im not sure about the gkf but bristlenoses can be put in with a cichlid tank, although thats a completely different direction from the angels and silver dollars
What about, checking the date before posting, especially whoever decided to bring it back from the netherworld.

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