Any Ideas?


New Member
Jun 4, 2008
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Hi I am new to fishkeeping and bought my very first tank around 2 months ago: a Fluval Roma 90L
Since then I have stocked it with these fish:
- 1 Male Albino Bristlenose
- 3 Red Wagtail Platys
- 6 neon tetras

I am hoping to add at least 1 more type of fish to the tank and I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on what I should get.

I would love a fish that is sort of "the centerpiece" of my fish tank: a colourful fish that would be happy in my community tank.

Any ideas?
It depends on what you are looking for really, if you are looking for something colourful that gets 3-4" in length then maybe one gourami or rainbow fish?
depending on the dimensions of the tank maybe an angel ,very nice pretty fish


oh.... also welcome 2 TFF enjoy!!!! :)
Hi I am new to fishkeeping and bought my very first tank around 2 months ago: a Fluval Roma 90L
Since then I have stocked it with these fish:
- 1 Male Albino Bristlenose
- 3 Red Wagtail Platys
- 6 neon tetras

I am hoping to add at least 1 more type of fish to the tank and I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on what I should get.

I would love a fish that is sort of "the centerpiece" of my fish tank: a colourful fish that would be happy in my community tank.

Any ideas?

Get some Galaxy Rasbora, look them up...awesome fish! get about 5 and watch the little happy swimmers explore your tank. Also the good thing about them is they have just not long ago been discovered. New to the tropical fish world, and what better sight it is to have a few in your home set-up. I only have the 1 at the moment but i'm looking to get about 2-3 more. But on his own he still seems happy.

Here is a picture...

Hope that helps.
The galaxy rasboras are very nice but I don't think they are really the centrepiece sort of fish I am looking for. I have been thinking about angels but many people said they wouldn't be comfortable in my tank. Also the tetras may nip at them. Again I like rainbow fish but I don't think I have enough room in my tank.

Many people hae talked about Pearl Gouramis, Honey Gouramis, Kribensis or Rams. What do you think and would they be able to fit in my tank?

My tank holds 90L and is 60cm long x 35cm wide x 45cm high.
The galaxy rasboras are very nice but I don't think they are really the centrepiece sort of fish I am looking for. I have been thinking about angels but many people said they wouldn't be comfortable in my tank. Also the tetras may nip at them. Again I like rainbow fish but I don't think I have enough room in my tank.

Many people hae talked about Pearl Gouramis, Honey Gouramis, Kribensis or Rams. What do you think and would they be able to fit in my tank?

My tank holds 90L and is 60cm long x 35cm wide x 45cm high.

definately honey gourami

they are small and peacefulll, and interesting :good:
The galaxy rasboras are very nice but I don't think they are really the centrepiece sort of fish I am looking for. I have been thinking about angels but many people said they wouldn't be comfortable in my tank. Also the tetras may nip at them. Again I like rainbow fish but I don't think I have enough room in my tank.

Many people hae talked about Pearl Gouramis, Honey Gouramis, Kribensis or Rams. What do you think and would they be able to fit in my tank?

My tank holds 90L and is 60cm long x 35cm wide x 45cm high.

definately honey gourami

they are small and peacefulll, and interesting :good:

Id go for a ram, maybe Bolivian or gold
I really like the look of the Rams but I'm unsure on them. Some people have said they aren't very easy to care for because they need special water requirements or something :S

Will they be able to fit in my tank, how many should I get and will they get on with the fishI have already?

I really like the look of the Rams but I'm unsure on them. Some people have said they aren't very easy to care for because they need special water requirements or something :S

Will they be able to fit in my tank, how many should I get and will they get on with the fishI have already?

it wouldnt be ny more than 1 and they need mature good conditioons , they are sensitive so all your levels need to be good¬!
Well thinking about it I probably wont get ams just yet. This is my very first tank and I think Rams may be for slightly more experienced people.

What about honey gouramis? Would they be good?
Well thinking about it I probably wont get ams just yet. This is my very first tank and I think Rams may be for slightly more experienced people.

What about honey gouramis? Would they be good?

Rams aint for expierienced people, there are just as much for beginners. Blue rams are overexaggerated IMO most are tank bred these days and are not as sensitive as they are made out to be...
ok well Rams are still an option but so are the other fish.

I have thought of having honey gouramis before but were unsure on them. Are they good fish?
I have heard that my tetras may try and nip the betta :( which is a shame because I really like them.
I've just been looking up information on bettas and it seems they are fine with platys and Bristlenose plecs. However some websites say bettas are fine with tetras, others say they shouldn't be kept with tetras and other websites say the only tetras they get along with are neon tetras. It's so confusing! What are people's views on this. Can I get a betta?

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