Any Free Plants On The Go?


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Darlington, England, United Kingdom
I might sound like a beggar, but I really don't like the idea of paying like £5 from my lfs for a plant.
Does anyone have any cuttings they could send me in an envelope (a stamp is only like 30p if your generous) and i'm getting it off your hands! Just easy to look after plants, I can't send anything in return, nor can I give money but just any unwanted plants, i'm sure you could send it in an envelope with a bit of slighty damp cotton wool or even leave it dry? It must be UK only though, I live near Boro. If you can post me some plants for free then please PM me and I can give you my address. I love watersprite but I really am not fussy, im just looking for plants to go in my new 20G waiting to be setup (temporary 15G). I would really appreciate the donates!
Thanks very much,

PS-Don't flame at me telling me to buy some, it's totally up to the person if they want to get rid of the plant and be a kind person, and sorry for being a beggar. You don't get if you don't try!
I feel like such a beggar, but afterall i'm getting them off peoples hands and hopefully making them feel good about themselves! :good:
Some type of moss would be really nice to cover a coconut cave I plan to make in a week or so, as moss balls apparently won't stick to it.
The only things I could find on there was craynerds post, but I suspect it has already been binned or given away. And some plants that need good light and good ferts, and I don't really think my tank is up to being a plant paradise. But it will have a decent bit of light, but I don't want any plants that need hi-tech co2 systems you name it...

horntwort...get in touch with Sam.

He will post soon i`m sure!


to be fair mate...go to your LFS and you can pick most easy grow plants for like £1.50 a plant! Cabomba, java ferns, java moss, amazon swords...ect. Just gives you the flexability to pick and choose!

Like u said tho.. no harm in asking in here i suppose!

I`d send you a pan full of clipings next time i clean, only u`d need to send me a self addressed and stamp paid for jiffy bag envelope! I`ve started doing this after i worked out i`d spent over £5 in two weeks on stamps! :p
So not totally free...but cheap as they come!
I`m sure everyone Sam has had contact with could send you some free Hornwort LMAO :D

Haha you ckeeky git! But yes Im sure they all could! That said gonna finally remove the hornwort from my nano Im positive its starving my HC of light so removing it completely on monday, and Jimboo's getting the lot :)

Dont take this the wrong way Neal, but its a bit 'bold' to be posting a thread making a blanket request for any and all plants and getting people to pay for the stmaps, etc. That sounds totally harsh, but I've sent several people plants, and I do it for free but because they are people who Ive come to know on here and who have given me advice and helped me get my head round the madness that is EI. Check out the thread George suggested and start from there. If everyone posted a thread like this we'd be spamped with requests ;) No one likes paying for stuff, but someone along the line has to.

I will be quite happy to pay for a stamp and envelope, that's no problem, so it would be a stamp on and envelope inside and envelope with a stamp on? Is that right? lol

So first envelope with a stamp on - My address
and put that inside another envelope with a stamp on - Senders address

Might sound a bit "Well duh thats obvious" but I am just making sure lol.
I was wondering whether i could be cheeky and ask the same thing as neal. I would be willing to do the stamp thing. It is just that i am to young to drive and both my parents are very busy at the weeknd so i can;'t get to My LFS easily. thanks and PM me if there are any plants going 'free'.
Hijacker! Nah i'm only joking mate, your welcome to ask alongside me. :good: I know the feeling aswell, being 13 and not able to drive also, I don't have a job and I only get pocket money not that often. -_-
I will be having a prune in my tank soon, You are welcome to what I have spare.
You may end up with some MTS though, But these are the good fellows.
That's a good way to sneak some MTS into my tank then! I totally believe in them, but my mam is like "you don't want snails!" Just PM me when you have some and I will arrange P+P.

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