Another Stocking Question

rainbowsharkman said:
I thought sterbais only got 2inches max? I'm more of a pleco person so not an expert on corys. and i was thinking about the ottos yeah you need a group. anyway i meant a smaller species of corys and some people think snails are ugly so i said ottos i think in a 10 you could put 3 ottos in and they would be happy as long as you supplement with algae wafers.
About 3 inches really, my Sterbais are huge! Got a group of 12 in my 260L and they take up most of the bottom space.
ok so no pygmies
 3 otos
female betta 
5 t 6 cpds
this good
oh lol again not a cory expert i always have huge tanks and get plecos i thought sterbais were the little ones. and greenmumma i never said to get less then 6 corys i was talking about getting 3 ottos, which might be to little but again i only get big tanks were i throw in like 20 ottos and call it good lol.

make it 6 dannios and that should be good

still not 100% sure about danios with bettas though it could go well or it could go bad pearl tend to be calmer dannios so it should work but make sure you monitor for the first couple days to see how they get along.
I know :) I was referring to ncguppy's stocking list. You weren't far off from the 2" mark, most online info says around 2.6". I've just seen some really fat adult sterbais ;) And I think it's generally suggested to keep cories in atleast a 20g, unless they're the pygmy types.  
I don't mean to come off as snarky :rolleyes: so I'm sorry if it came across that way.
not snarky just thought you read my post as 3 corys and was talking about that lol. i didn't mean to sound accusing just thought you misread my post.

and pearl danios do good up to 79F so they should be good.

and bettas do fine at 79F also so just keep you aquarium at 79-80 degrees and everything will be happy.
Not wishing to be argumentative, but in my experience do best at around 23/24, anything much higher shortens their life expectancy
I have kept them in 78F before but took the tank down when they were only a few years old so i didn't get to see there full life span maybe your right. OP should do some research on similar species that can with stand low to mid 80s which is  where bettas thrive. wouldn't want you to get them and have them not thrive because of something like temperature.
rainbowsharkman said:
I have kept them in 78F before but took the tank down when they were only a few years old so i didn't get to see there full life span maybe your right. OP should do some research on similar species that can with stand low to mid 80s which is  where bettas thrive. wouldn't want you to get them and have them not thrive because of something like temperature.
The higher the temperature the higher the metabolic rate. Putting fish in warmer waters than what they are designed for, for example a Goldfish in a tropical set up, or temperate in a tropical results in a faster metabolism thus drastically reducing their life span.
That's why tropical fish need more protein in their diets compared to cold water species etc. A Discus needs lots of food with a high protein content as it prefers temperatures of around 28-30 where as your common Goldfish prefers a more veggie diet and can survive months throughout the winter without food.
You get the point.
Again, thriving is better than surviving.
i have always been a large tropical fish keeper so these cold water small aquarium questions are throwing me off lol. only info i have is off of personal experience and i switch my aquariums around so much i never saw my danios die, apparently i was keeping them to hot at 78F.
i think the cpds could be versitle and they should be fine so i think ill use them
They might survive but as I've said you will be shortening their lives, please think again
ugh bettas are hard to find matches for in a 10G you really cant put anything smaller then them together and nothing bigger fits in a 10
you could just scrap the betta and get a dwarf gourami 6 cpds and a handful of ghost shrimp.

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