Fish Herder
again, the cories should be in a group of 6+
rainbowsharkman said:I thought sterbais only got 2inches max? I'm more of a pleco person so not an expert on corys. and i was thinking about the ottos yeah you need a group. anyway i meant a smaller species of corys and some people think snails are ugly so i said ottos i think in a 10 you could put 3 ottos in and they would be happy as long as you supplement with algae wafers.
rainbowsharkman said:I have kept them in 78F before but took the tank down when they were only a few years old so i didn't get to see there full life span maybe your right. OP should do some research on similar species that can with stand low to mid 80s which is where bettas thrive. wouldn't want you to get them and have them not thrive because of something like temperature.