Another Stocking Advice Thread!


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
Ashford, Kent, UK
Ive got a 2ft cube I want to set up. Im just after some advice about stocking.

I would like something a bit rare and unusual (obviously not too much because of pennies!). I was thinking some kind of puffer, any suitable? Or any other suggestions?

What about dwarf puffers? cheap very small and simple..

Or what about something like Channa orientalis,maxing around 4inches and quite peaceful even if kept in a group

Thanks for your reply. I have been looking at dwarf puffers but feel the tank would be too big for them, in the sense that I'd have to look around just to spot them lol.

I like the idea of the Channa Orientalis, what are their care requirements? are they rare? anyone know where there are some available?

channa are so easy to care for,ideal for keepers who may neglect now and again, they can handle and prefer less waterchanges and eat just about anything, best however kept in a species tank, they are quite easy to get but you have to look around that bit more,these guys can be found in local fish shops,also people who breed them,like simonas had some fry and adults for sale not too long ago.
There is a great specialist website for snakeheadsuk and you can often find seller's there or people in the know
Thanks, Im liking the idea of them. How are they, say in a group of 4? and a planted tank?

Another idea ive been toying with is maybe some sort of puffer, especially the south american puffer. Does anyone have any experience with them? Ive read they are almost community fish (with caution). True? Any other experiences?

2ft cube so about 230 litre mark? Puffers are fantastic. Only thing with SAPS are that they need teeth trimming regularly and like length of tank, so might be thinking you could get a lot of pacing (though I am no resident expert so wait on that one!) There are other interesting puffs you could have though most will be single specimens..

Dwarf Puffers - 5g per puff though some work by 5g for first and 3g for each additional. Ratio 1m 2f+
Will say in their defense they are cute guys full of personality and easier to look after.
Just need to get ratio right and tank right to lessen aggression.

1 x humpback/ dragon puffer OR

maybe 1-2 suvatti (it has been done)OR

hairy puffer would say singly but have read of someone with a breeding pair OR

community of red eyed puffers (irrubesco/lorteti/cant remember the third)ratio 1m 2f+OR

go light brackish and couple of figure eights, could always have bumblebee or knight gobies, 15g for a singleton and 10g per e OR
and 10g per extra puff

go higher brackish and green spotted puffers, 30g for a singleton best.
there are others as well though didnt want to ramble!

As to rare/pricing:
Humpback (based on local prices to me or net in UK) £50 Not often seen round here
Suvatti £10-20 Seem to be everywhere at mo!
Hairy £25-35 Quite hard to get especially with hair growths
Red Eyes- £10-15 (high for my area for certain!) Varies
DPs - £3-4 Quite common
F8s- £5-10 Quite common
GSPs - £8-15 Quite common
Congo - £? Tried getting one impossible right now especially the red/orange variants.

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