Another Question About Rocks


New Member
Sep 15, 2008
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West London, England
I've read in many other postings that aquarium rocks need to be smooth and rounded as opposed to jagged and sharp because fish can cut or injure themselves on jagged edges. With this in mind I would ask 'what about the sharp edged rocks that occur naturally in rivers and streams etc?' Are jagged edged rocks really a danger or are we being slightly over protective here. (I hope that doesn't make it sound as if I don't care about the fishes welfare - because I do).
I'm asking this because I have a lovely piece of red rock that I intend to use in my aquarium and it does have one or two jagged edges. (Bought in my LFS I hasten to add).
If jagged edged rocks really are a danger to fish then I won't use it but if it's just a precaution in case they happen to scratch themselves then I might.
I could always have a go at smoothing the jagged edges if neccessary. :shifty:
I've read in many other postings that aquarium rocks need to be smooth and rounded as opposed to jagged and sharp because fish can cut or injure themselves on jagged edges. With this in mind I would ask 'what about the sharp edged rocks that occur naturally in rivers and streams etc?' Are jagged edged rocks really a danger or are we being slightly over protective here. (I hope that doesn't make it sound as if I don't care about the fishes welfare - because I do).
I'm asking this because I have a lovely piece of red rock that I intend to use in my aquarium and it does have one or two jagged edges. (Bought in my LFS I hasten to add).
If jagged edged rocks really are a danger to fish then I won't use it but if it's just a precaution in case they happen to scratch themselves then I might.
I could always have a go at smoothing the jagged edges if neccessary. :shifty:

Sharp edges can be a danger, i had a rock in my tank which had a sharp edge, unfortunatly it was the casue of 2 fish being injured and then having wound infections, along with the wound infections those fish also got itch through the stress which then attacked the rest of the tank, i almost loast all my fish,

i can only imagine tht the 2 fish that got hurt were darting around the tank chasing eachother as they did and in their haste collided ith the rock.

I would recomend trying to remove the sharp edges of the rock if you can.

One of my corys scratched its side on a sharp stone that came in with a plant. They tend to dart around if something makes them panic, like a sudden movement near the tank. Fortunately it recovered very quickly. If it's not possible to smooth off the edges, then perhaps you could position the rock so the fish aren't likely to scrape themselves on the edge, or cover the sharp bit in some way (with moss, or even with aquarium sealant if it can be hidden)?
Thanks for your replies. I'll have a go at smooting the sharp edge(s).
If I can't I won't use the rock which is a piece of red jasper.

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