Another Possible Idea?

Dec 26, 2010
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ok. First there was seffie's idea on tidying up and adding to the pinned section.
Then there was lewiss and myself's idea for the photo journals, then came along the feeding guideline from different members and now another idea has cropped up.
It seems that a few of us are currently having the odd problem with our tanks, including myself, which ranges from a poorly coral or fish to algae outbreaks to poor water stats.

Now obviously we can't always Pin point the source of the problems that come out the blue but couldn't we create a guideline on the most common problems, what the source of it could be and the recommended action to take, or more importantly different members opinions on what they would do in those particular circumstances.

I think this would help everybody out (Inc me) and not just the newbies.

I'm waiting for someone to tell me this has already been covered! Lol!
+1, good idea. Im still learning so always interested in reading other peoples advice.
Agree, would save me looking silly for asking dumb questions lol

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