Another Pleco


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Ilkeston, Derbyshire, UK
I have one bristlenose pleco and would like to get another the one ive got is only a couple of inches long and is still young, I was thinking of getting a male but dont want any problems with my other fish etc, what do people think ? my stock list is in my signature,

should I do anything special with my tank, ie put some more hiding places / caves in ?
really, your neons, cories, cherry barbs and all the tetras should be in groups of 6+. this however would overstock you i reckon, and certainly wouldnt look very nice. before putting any other new types of fish in, i woudl strongly suggest sorting out those problems first. tanks almost always looks better with 1 or 2 larger shoals of fish, rather than with all the different species you have. trust me, i made the same mistake, and am now regretting it. fish act so much more natural when in decent sized groups, and it makes for a much better tank. once my current stock thin out, im going to stick to just one type of tetra and cherry barbs. it will look so much better.

if i was you i would swap the harlequin, lemon and rummynose tetras, platties and the cherry barbs for more cories, neons and black skirts. at a push i would keep a small group of cherry barbs, cos i think they're mint. but those other tetras really have to go.

10 cories
6 black skirt
bn plec
10 neons
10 cherry barbs

saying that, im not a fan of the black skirt tetra, so wouldnt have them at all. but seen as you almost have a good number of them, might aswell keep them.
Your Ram will need at least 27C, which puts pretty much everything else besides your Betta at either the top or above their recommended temp.

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