Another New Pet. Just Hatched! It's A Turkey!


lazy dayz
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota, USA
Crazy. My hubby picked up a turkey egg to see if we could hatch it and it just started hatching tonight. Peeping and everything. Pretty freakin crazy dudes and dudettes :lol:






Looks like I'm not getting fish for awhile...maybe. This lil tyke is in my 10g QT tank :rolleyes:
Awwww ! just showed my 4 year old the first video he was saying " mum the egg's squeeking!" lol Then got really excited asking if he could have one of those !

Great job ! Post more pic's to show his progress !
We are going to grow him up a bit and see if the zoo wants him. My sister in-law also has a farm that he could go to.

No this is the first piece of poultry I've kept. I've had a lot of pets in my time, but never poultry...well I guess we've had parakeets and love birds if they count as poultry. I was thinking more on the lines of chicken, turkey, quail when I refer to poultry.
Isent Poultrey the word for their meat? lol!!!

Anyways..this is soooo cool lol
poul⋅try  /ˈpoʊltri/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pohl-tree]

–noun domesticated fowl collectively, esp. those valued for their meat and eggs, as chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl.

Thanks guys or gals. He sure is cute. To bad we'll have to give him up when he gets bigger.
cute :blush:
can you tell wether its a cock or hen i know they can with day old chickens?
also do you know the breed or is it a commercial meat variety
regards scot :)
How to Determine the Sex of Turkey Chicks [URL=""][/URL]
By eHow Pets Editor

If you plan to sex turkey chicks at a very young age, know that they must either have been bred in a specific cross-mating or the handler must have extensive experience with turkey physiology. Certain methods of sexing require great care so that you don't damage the chicks. Following is are some methods you can use to determine the sex of turkey chicks.

Step 1
Vent the chicks. This method requires extensive training that can take several months, but an experienced handler will be able to use a forefinger to open the chick's cloaca and expose its genitals. It is possible to injure the chick with this method, so it must be taught by someone who knows what he is doing.

Step 2
Use a proctoscope-like device to examine inside the chick's large intestine. This device can let you see through the intestine wall to locate the chick's gonads; males will have two testes, and females one ovary. This method also takes thorough training so as not to harm the chick.

Step 3
Compare the chicks' covert feathers to their primary feathers. For chicks of a cross between a rapid-feathering male and a slow-feathering female, the females will have covert feathers that are always shorter than the primary feathers, because it is a sex-linked characteristic. This can be a useful method of sexing chicks that are only hours old, with minimal training.

Step 4
Wait until the chicks are eight weeks old, when the males will develop larger feet and shanks and have fewer feathers on their heads. The females will appear more gracile.

Step 5
Wait until their first breeding season. You don't have to be an expert turkey observer to realize who's who during a mating.
So cute when babies, so ugly when older :blink: come to think of it reminds me of a few people I know :rolleyes:

Seffie x


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