Your hubbie must be Hen pecked (or is that Turkey pecked)
to allow you to keep all your pets, Is this a long-term pet or is it for the Thanksgiving plate.
The turkey was my hubby's idea. He picked up the egg and hatched it. Now we're going to raise it a little bit and then give it to the zoo. We do let him out and run around a little bit. He can jump a foot high now and his flight feathers are growing in pretty good. I just want him to grow up so we can get him out.
Awwww, very cute. My DH's family lives on a farm and often have baby turkeys running around. They have the typical black ones, and then have some pure white ones. The white males are very neat looking when they do their little fluff up show thing.
They also have ducks as well. They had a duck lay eggs, but somehow one of the turkeys took over the nest, so when the ducklngs hatched, they followed the turkey around all over the place. Was the cutest thing ever.
And this Hansel and Gretel production was brought to you by.........
Why do you want him out kj.
You can walk him/her up and down the street to the amusement of your neighbours.
Probably get on TV and in the local press
you could have your 15 minutes of fame
Well my hubby can't hear him chirping in the middle of the night. He has lost some of his hearing do to shooting guns and some from work (didn't always wear ear plugs).
I think my neighbors would try to turn me in lol. On a serious note the turk really likes us. My hubby sticks his hand in and the turkey rubs on it. My hubby will scratch/rub him He's also getting his flight feathers. He can jump a few feet high now and flaps his wings. I'll get some more pictures.
Gorgeous and ofcourse it likes you the first animal it sees after birth it believes to be its mother and will follow it, If you could get it house trained that would be awesome, then get a house pig aswell! I think a house cow might be pushing your friends to put you in the loony asylum though. On my step-nan's farm they have a dog which managed to have baby ducks believe it was their mother and they would follow it around everywhere, so cute.
I don't know he said he found it and he'd be surprised if it hatched... I was shocked that it actually hatched. It was pretty chilly when it came home.
We're going to give it someone who raises them. He raises game birds and then releases them for hunting. He'll probably keep the turkey as a yard pet, though.
Oh no, I hope he doesn't release it so it can be hunted
Poor baby, don't even want to imagine that happening. You better make sure he won't kill it, or release it.
That last photo of it rubbing up against the hand is adorable.