Another moron that can't control her dog...


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
My great dane Belle is a very nice dog but she barks at people walking by our house but would never hurt them.

The fence is a 3.5 foot tall picket fence with almost 1 foot gaps. Needless to say when belle stands on the fence she's twice as tall as the freaking thing.

So here comes this lady with a lab that's pulling her all over the freaking place. At first I thought it was my mom's boss tina (cuz of the short hair). She lets the lab pull her into my driveway. Belle jumps on the fence and starts barking at the lady. The lady is all "hi boy" then jumps back as belle leans over the fence to bark at her (if she said boo belle would have ran away). She keeps saying hi and being stupid. Would you walk up to a barking great dane lunging over a fence? Seriously? Common sense people.

So her dog is like pulling struggling to get wherever he's going and is sticking his head through the fence holes. So belle leans over the fence to see the dog (she is dog friendly, she goes to the dog park) and the lab jumps up and bites belle in the face. The lady struggles to pull her dog back. I run out and yell at the lady using words not fit for internet use. Luckily belle was not hurt but my questions are these.

Why get a big dog if you can't control it?

If a freaking Great Dane was barking at you, would you let your dog pull your face right over to it?

If you know your dog isn't dog friendly why would you let it go up to other dogs?

That lady had no clue if my dog was friendly and could have rabies for all she knows. Why would she let her dog come over?

And, don't you think it's a bit rude to let your dog wonder into someone else's driveway?
in my experience Labs are super friendly...well...yellow labs are, yes some BLACK labs are really moody, but its just their personality, my uncles has a HUUUUGE black lab, that they called Scooby Doo, becuz he is such a chicken sometimes (but normal stuff, not when it comes to protect) but he is such a sweetheart!

my god father, had the 3 types, black,chocolate, and yellow , the black is the most ...lets see... most... not brave, but argh i cant find the correct word, cuz all of them are really brave, well...lets put "unfriendly" the black one trusted the people he only knew for a long time, the chocolate ona "hanna" trusted people she wanted to trust, and the yellow, trusted most little boys and girls, and when it comes to adults, ppl who he wanted, and about the dogs, they are moost friendly with all of them, its wierd to hear about your story :/

my yellow lab is the sweetest thing :) she has soo many differents friends :)

2- if i know it...i wouldt leave him;her go with other dogs....maybe get a gf or bf, to see if he/she calms down (my godfather told me that Hanna calm down a loooooot the first time she had babies)
3- shes a freakin idiot :sad:
4- i agree with you :X
Why get a big dog if you can't control it?

If a freaking Great Dane was barking at you, would you let your dog pull your face right over to it?

If you know your dog isn't dog friendly why would you let it go up to other dogs?

That lady had no clue if my dog was friendly and could have rabies for all she knows. Why would she let her dog come over?

And, don't you think it's a bit rude to let your dog wonder into someone else's driveway?

Hmm, what a stupid idiot. Answer, I would personally never have a lab, I think they are ugly dogs but anyway,

1. They would be easy to control, get a halti fitted, it gives you greater control because you are controlling his head.

2. If a Great Dane was barking at me I'd run away!

3. If my dog wasn't dog friendly I'd fit it with a muzzle for walkies.

4. Some people think all doggies are friendly and all want to play with her biting pet.

5. Its incredibly rude to let your dog wander into someone else's driveway and I would never do it.
Ok so the woman was doing wrong by letting her dog into your drive and all but the fact of the matter is your dog probably scared her dog so was acting in self defense. what if a child was the one who pattied the GD? Your dog was, in my opinion, acting in an unsociable manner. You know, lunging over the fence and all. Barking, etc I think BOTH of you were in the wrong.

And can you honestly say that if your GD wants to go somewhere, I mean, really wants to go somewhere, you can stop it?
NO offence to pleco person but I disagree. This lady and her dog were well beyond the boundries of your property. You dog was not the attacker but was acting in exactly the way most dogs act when someon is on their property. The fact that your dog didnt jump the fence after being bitten and attack the dog just proves that she is not the problem. I would never let my dogs wander way up onto someones property. Especially if it was overly aggressive(which mine arent) And I dont let them approach strange dogs. I wont even approach strange dogs myself, as tempting as it is to pet them all. You must have a healthy respect for strange animals.
And my friends wonder why I'm scared of dogs

I would much rather face a wolf than somones' pet dog,
however well "trained" it is! :eek:
No offence to all dog lovers out there,
but dogs are unpredictable a wolf is not! :X
Well, belle is only 93 pounds and is pretty petite for a dane. I'm 6'0 and ummm lets just say I'm "heavy" so yes, I can control my dog.

Belle was protecting her house and would never bite a person. If that lady would have jumped at her she would have ran away.

My dog has every right to defend her territory and barking at a stranger walking in our front yard uninvited is not wrong.

I could see if my dog was barking at people when on a leash then yes, that is wrong. But she is in her own yard, there is nothing wrong with that.

And belle didn't scare that dog. It was sticking it's head through the fence holes trying to get belle the whole time. It wanted to bite her. It didn't attack out of fear. And belle stopped barking and was wagging her tail and only sniffed the dog. Personally I don't think another dog sniffing is a reason to bite, if it is for that dog then she didn't socialize her dog and that's her fault.
Labs can be a bit, shall we say, high strung. I love them myself, especially chocolate labs, but they are not the easiest dogs to keep control of.

"Why get a big dog if you can't control it?"
Because you saw it in the pet shop when it was a little pup, and it was just so cute you had to buy it, even if you knew nothing about dogs, but then, lo and behold, it grew into adult form.

"If a freaking Great Dane was barking at you, would you let your dog pull your face right over to it?"
Um... No.

"If you know your dog isn't dog friendly why would you let it go up to other dogs?"
Because you're an idiot who has no business owning a dog.

"That lady had no clue if my dog was friendly and could have rabies for all she knows. Why would she let her dog come over?"
Same answer as the last one...

"And, don't you think it's a bit rude to let your dog wonder into someone else's driveway?"
Yeah, definitely.

There are some people who just don't get animals. No matter how hard they try, they don't understand them, and never will.
And the thing that kills me is if your dog would have bitten her (not that she would have, of course), YOU would have been responsible since it would have happened on YOUR property! :angry: That happened to me before when I was a kid - my dog went after the old lady dropping off our newspaper.
people are so dumb sometimes when it comes to controlling their pets. this morning, for example, my dogs were out chained in the yard, and these two other neighbor dogs come running into the yard. my dogs are going nuts and barking, and the neighbor dogs are running around eating my cat's catfood, peeing on everything, and driving my dogs nuts. finally my little dog Hazel had enough and snapped on the other two dogs, who were much bigger than her. :flex: they ran away from her, scared. :lol: THEN after about 10 minutes, the owner came and got them. back to the point: learn to keep your dogs and other pets under control!!! you will have unhappy neighbor people and neighbor dogs if you don't. :angry:
in my opinion, acting in an unsociable manner. You know, lunging over the fence and all. Barking
1st off this was the Great Danes home and property! 2nd off the woman was invading the GD's scope of what is his/hers and she was totally stupid for standing there egging the GD on by talking to him/her. As for being unsociable??.... when dogs bark its being social, just because you dont know the dog doesnt mean every bark is unsociable and for that matter the GD stayed in the yard! The dog that bit the GD was the unsocial one. I commend the owner and the Great Dane. Good Job raising a well balanced dog!
Hmmm, don't get me started on this one.
Whilst we were on holiday a couple of years ago we left our dog spyke with my mum in law.
She took him on regular walks around her neighbourhood etc, he was always kept on the lead.
One day mum in law takes dog out for daily walk, comes face to face with another lady walking her dog, (sorry can't remember breed but it looked like a large scottie dog.) At this point I have to mention that Spyke doesn't even bark at other dogs in the street.
Lady knows her dog is not dog friendly and tried to turn around and walk the other way, her dog had other ideas, slipped it's collar and attacked our dog. Spyke did however try to defend himself, he also slipped his coller (after alot of effort though, I do not leave his collar too loose, just enough for me to get a couple of fingers between the collar and the dogs neck.) and nipped the attacking dog on the nose.
The attack cost £150 in vets bills which the mother in law paid but got receipt.
When I got back from holiday and found out about this I went, receipt in hand, to the ladies house, she wasn't in but her husband was, he had shut the dog in a room as it would most likely have attacked me if he hadn't done. He told me that the matter was between me and his wife and he would get her to give me a ring. In all fairness she did ring me back. I explained exactly how much the bill was and that I expected her to pay for my dogs treatment because it was her fault that her dog attacked spyke. She did agree to pay the full amount and had a cheque made out to Margaret my mum in law a few days later.
I still see this lady walking her dog, still it has no muzzel, haltie or harness.
She told me she didn't want to muzzle her dog!!!!!!
My questions are.
1) Why not muzzel your dog if you know it will attack others. (for gods sake she walks with a stick in her hand to use to beat her dog off any other dog it may attack!!)
2) If you don't want to muzzle why not use something else which gives you control over the dog. A harness would have been a good option here as her dog would not have been able to slip its collar.
Since this incident my dog has been wary of other dogs which is a shame as I know loads of people with dogs which he could play with but won't go near them. He is much more timid now than ever before, he has always been a coward but not to this extent.

I commend Auratus and her GD. It was most definatly not Auratus's GD fault that it got attacked it was defending it's property.
Thanks you guys. I totally forgot about this post :p

Since then we have had these two little chiuahahas walking through the picket fence and sniffing belle through our screen door. Every time I call the owners and they don't seem to care. These little dogs love to play with belle. Oh, and they have their rabies tags on so I know they aren't diseased :rolleyes:. They are super friendly but they do try to get the cats :sly: .

Belle isn't territorial with dogs at all, if two unfixed male chiuahahas (sp) can come in our yard and all belle does is play with them, same thing with my aunts male rottie, I doubt she would try to attack a lab. I'm just really glad my dog is social. She even sniffs noses with the tom cat (he's fixed but is the dominant male) outside, I mean COME ON!!! Heheeee. She was barking at the lady, not the dog I think...
lol. sounds like you got a nice doggy!

luckily for us, one of our neighborhood dogs that knows how to climb fences is socialable. whenever he gets loose, our yard is always one of the places he visits, and my dog sadie just loves his company....unless of course he gets too close to our back door or starts sniffin her up....then she'll give him a warning growl, but it's all good....he gets the hint, and does something else. finally after seeing him a few times, our neighbor told us that his name was bruno, and he lived down the street. you'd think they'd take control of their dog and chain him up or something....cause he can jump fences like it's nothing. even though he's completely friendly, and would probably never attack anyone, he still has the risk of being attacked or worse.

i wonder if they even take care of him, cuz he has lost so much weight since we first seen him. you can feel his ribs n stuff....he's soo boney.

kinda sad when people neglect to take care of their dogs.....if they can't take care of him, they should give him to someone who can. next time he comes over i'll give him some snacks....he needs it :/

what ever happened to that ladies dog? did she appoligize or anything?

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